Secret Surgiversary Santa at your Service:
If you are interested in doing a gift exchange for our surgiversaries can you please email me your snail mail address AND your regular email address plus your date of surgery as that is how i will contact you and let your secret surgerversary santa know you. The only one who will know your "secret" person is me unless you want a reveal in June! Thus far the list stands as follows:
Heather S-M
come on now folks this will be fun and who knows what we need more then us? I would love it if we had ALOT of people do this! Here are the parameters, your gift(s) must arrive in May, the gift value should be no more then $25 and it can be homemade, hand crafted, store bought etc etc whatever you think your person would like! COME ON, JOIN IN WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO LOSE? HUGS, ANDI