Replacement behaviors are great ways to stop doing something that you dont want to do with something that is more appropriate. A replacement behavior is something you do that is incompable with a behavior u dont want to do. for instance.. if you eat when you are bored.. you can take a shower.. you cant eat in a shower so you cant do the unwanted behavior. This is a great tool for getting rid of the unwanted moments when you eat when you shouldnt. I see many talking about stress as the reason they snack. Is there a replacement behavior you can do instead of snacking.. so the question today is....
What behaviors do you have that cause you to eat more.. think of two things you can do to replace those behaviors
When I am bored I tend to eat... I could get up.. go for a walk.. play with my kids.. take a shower.
When I watch TV I tend to want to snack... Only eat in one place in my house.. the dinning room. if i cant eat in the living room that stops that behavior. While watching TV I could drink more or find something to do with my hands .. I dont knit so i need to think about what i could replace my eating behavior with... maybe pet my dogs.. thats a good one.