My daughter, Abby, is 6 years old. She takes after her father in that she is very technically minded and she is always wondering how things work. She asks very indepth questions like "What makes a light bulb work" and she expects the exact right answer! She is very shy and reserved but very much a thinker. She began talking very early and she is now reading chapter books.
My son, Matthew, is almost 3 years old. He is 100% boy to the extreme! He likes to tackle his sister and pull her to the floor. He is ALWAYS smiling and giggling and very much the clown of every situation. He can be sick with a fever and still laughing and acting like a monkey. He is not afraid to jump head first into any situation!
This is a difficult question for me so I'll answer this as honestly as I can!
Jonathan: I was 38 weeks pregnant when we lost Jonathan on 3/2/94, he'd be 13 this week, we'd be dancing at his Bar Mitzvah. He was so perfect, he choked on his cord getting into position, I had to give birth to him and it was pure hell.
Son One: What can i say about my first living son, the first grandchild on my husbands side and the first grandson (out of 18) on my side...he may be a wee tad spoiled! Son One is/was the ultimate baby/kid, he ate perfectly, spoke beautifully, walked, ran, is an all around athlete. He is awesome at math and science and stinks on ice at reading and writing (my two favorite subjects). Philip is captain koom bye ya, he is easy going and down to earth and a really good hearted kid, but he's also hyper and extremely physical, he'll walk right by and knock everything off the shelf, it's like having a great dane in your house all the time.
Son Two: Son two is the child your mom wished on you when you were really bad growing up, he gives me a run for my money every hour of every day. Son two is so anal retentive i think he could probably poop diamonds! If he can't do it perfectly the first time out you could die trying to get him to do it again, practice makes perfect is NOT for this kid. He is funny and super smart and silly and loves music and cars. He skate boards like he was born to it and he loves to swim IF the water is warm, if its' cold the vacation might as well be over! He is sarcastic and funny and sweet and kind and harsh and honest and really he's so over the top he's too funny! He and I were cut from the same cloth and that makes us fight like cats some days.
Princess: ahhhh finally a little girl to dress and love like a doll! I won't lie to you, this is the child G*D gave me for surviving hurricane son one and satan's spawn son 2! The princess is easy going and likes us all to get along, there is nothing she won't try or do and she makes friends so easy and loves to go anywhere or do anything that anyone else wants to do. This makes her an awesome kid, when son one wants to do all physical stuff and son 2 is more cerebral she is the deciding vote and she is usually very democratic (but brilliant because she'll side with them if they offer her a cash incentive). She wants to be a vet and yet couldn't kill anything if she tried, so we're thinking dog massage therapist or holistic healer! At 8 she is all girl and loves to dress up (thank you G*D) which is the pay off i get for waiting 3 years for her hair to grow in!
all three of my kids have the biggest brown eyes you've ever seen, they almost look anime they are so large. Their smiles melt my heart. The youngest two cry alot but the oldest one very rarely so when son one cries my heart breaks down. Can you tell they have mom pretty well wrapped around their fingers? I am the puppet they are the master! Hugs, ANDI
Five (5)
Jasmine.... creative, humongous heart, she spend the night in the hospital room with me when I had both of my younger sons, running and fetching for me, the Drs say Bipolar, I say Dynamic, if she is not Tigger (bouncy) she is Eeyore (sad and blue) constantly striving for Pooh
Krystal... the little momma since she was 5, always the 'grown up one', she was with me every minute during my surgery and the hospital stay, she is Kanga
Naomi... still talks to angels, she is the pure one, the Drs say Autistic, I say Ausome.
Erik... the future photographer, he loves to work the camera, from in front of from behind, he is my snack buddy, I eat what I can, he eats the rest. he really has gone on this journey with me. he is truly an accomplished brown noser.
Magnus... the sensitive one, he is painfully shy, easily hurt, he comes in and snuggles with me every single morning before school. I was gone for 6 weeks during the summer and it took him 7 months to 'trust' me again.
Millie - 6 years old. An extrememly special and precious gift from God.
She is, like one of Kat's children, Tigger and Eeyor, and easily swings between the two. She is kind and generous of spirit, always forgiving.
That said, she drives me nuts!!!!! We laugh hard and often, but we also get frustrated wth each other more often than I'd like - we're working on it. She is a wonderful mixture of my outgoingness and Ron's gentleness - amazing considering she's adopted. We have been perfectly matched in heaven.
She has very low self esteeme, and will follow more than lead. Currently being tested for epilepsy and possible dyspraxia.