If you could change one thing about yourself (other than your weight) what would it be?
This is actually a pretty tough question that I need to search down inside for.
I would love to change, in some ways, the way I am so easy going. I pretty much dont mind anything as long as it doesnt land on my moral values. I give in a lot to things I dont want to do and dont usually let people know that I am not happy with a decision. I would like to develop more of a back bone and say what i think more. Now with work.. i have no problem.. its more with friends, etc.. i sugar coat things, agree to things that I dont always want to.
I would like to be more confident. I am pretty brave and will take to anyone, but down inside I know that i joke a lot just to cover up my insecurities.
Dont u just love these deep questions.
Good question!
I would change my self confidence level. I'm very introverted and shy and it is very difficult for me to try new things. I find myself wanting to try new things (like rock climbing or Pilates) but I just can't bring myself to do it ... I have this huge fear of rejection or that people will laugh at me.
now see Dee you and I are polar opposites, I would love to think things through first before i try and and need to send up smoke signals for help......mountain climbing is a great example about half way up I was winded and in pain from lack of oxygen, might have been good to start on a beginner mountain not a HUGE one then go crap i have no idea how to do this perhaps i should have started on a hill and not up a volcano! I live my life for the drama of it then i need help getting out of situations. I forget i'm not even 5' tall so for me going rock climbing will need to be done with a friend who can help pull/push me up so i have some place to start! Hugs, A
could i change my height or do you want a deeper more philosophical answer? I'd love to be at least 5'4 which woudl make me a normal weight (see it's all a ploy to be thinner). If i were going for deep philosophical answers i would say that i'd love to be more comfortable with the Andi that other people see, i'd like not to wear a full face of make up every day and not fear that people won't like me because i don't "LOOK" like i think they want me to. I'd love to not have to be the funniest, the loudest, the "most" whatever so i think i fit in better with the crowds...although with the weight loss i am mellowing a bit and that's wonderful for me. I'm off now to go get my iced coffee so i can make fluids and tell you the other half of my on track thing as i eat later. Hugs, ANDI
Although probably people around me don't realise it, I have fear of rejection so would change that. I will go out of my way to get people to like me, not speaking up if I disagree with them, or not saying what I think. I will stay quiet to avoid confrontations. Then when I do get in situations of confrontations I get over emotional and dont deal with them well at all. Ironic really as that is part of my job at work - arbitrating between others in confrontation situations, and discipline matters, which though I say so myself am very good at. So I know all the 'should do's' but doing them myself when it's me and my emotions involved is a different matter. Interestingly, I am getting better at this the more weight I lose and the more confident in me I become.
I would change to be more confident in myself and my abilities. I vary, sometimes I am very confident and other times totally lack confidence!! I would make myself more consistant.
I would also be more patient and gentle and kind to my husband an daughter!! My constant prayer....I'm still waiting for that one to be answered!