I was a text book of co-morbities myself. I had reflux, water retention, sleep apena, and diatbetes. I also have arthristis and psoriasis which the docs contributed to my weight gain.
I still have sleep apena, psoriasis and arthritsis.
what really made me say yes to wls was when my doc called and said my sugar levels were up and I would need to take medication for diabetes. My mother had diabetes and lost her kidneys and ended up on dialisis. she went in a coma and died and it was all attributed to her diabetes. I asked for the surgery that day. I had been thinking about it for about a year before that.
I was miserably fat. I was 25, 5'5, and weighed 332 pounds. I couldn't bend over or get up without overexertion. That being said other than bein MO I was healthy. BUT I knew I had gain 50 pounds in less than 5 years. I knew I was just getting bigger and eventually all of the other health concerns related to being MO would catch up with me. I wanted to LIVE!
I was praying to God to please help me! I just didn't know what to do anymore. It seemed like everything I tried wouldn't work and I was so miserable. I would pray every night for some sort of guidance to help me through this. My husband came home from work one day and said our insurance was going to start covering gastric bypass surgery. I never even thought about surgery because I didn't think it was an option. And quite literally, as soon as we found out our insurance would cover it, doors began swinging wide open for me! It's like every little step along the way got easier and easier and pretty soon I was approved for surgery. It's like God answered my prayers and made this possible for me! I just took every positive step as a sign that this was meant for me; and I didn't turn back once!
My comorbidities were Type 2 Diabetes, high cholesterol, borderline high blood pressure, and sleep apnea. Everything is gone now except for the sleep apnea (I have HUGE tonsils!).
My family was questionable. I told them in a letter about my surgery and they all said they were supportive. But after my surgery, not one of my sisters would ask me how I was doing or how much weight I've lost. To this day, I don't think any of them know how much I've lost! My Dad asks me and keeps a check on how I'm doing. But other than that, my sisters don't seem to want to know the details.
I had thought about the surgery for many years. Although, I was in denial about my weight. It wasn't until after I saw my doctor and she referred me that I really got a grasp on the fact that I NEEDED this surgery. I honestly went through most of the process...6 months of classes etc...thinking "come on, somebody tell me I don't need it" That didn't happen. So, I accepted the fact finally that I was fat and I was not fooling anybody.
I was considered a "lightweight"...I actually gained 25lbs to qualify. I know it seems desperate but I felt it was my best option. The only co-morbitity was high blood pressure and my cholesterol was a little high.
My family and friends were very supportive and continue to be so today (although my husband loves eating out at nice restuarants and it frustrates him to pay so much for a plate to only take it home). My mother is tracking my progress and wants to have the surgery herself but I am afraid is not willing to do what it takes to get approved.
I have no co-morbities anymore...blood pressure is normal...cholesterol is great. Feel great. Have 6lbs to lose and BMI is very close to "normal"...whatever that is.
I was almost 300 lbs and totally disgusted with myself. I was tried of people waiting me eat. other weoman making comments to my husband on how he could do better...I had tried every diet and diet pill on the market, and was getting sick with diabetes, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, acid reflux, just to name a few. So I made up my mind got my testing done in 2 mth and got surgery right after. I had support from some of my family and did not tell many other people
I knew I would not lose weight by dieting and that I would just get sicker and sicker the older I got.
I had diabetes uncontrolled by medication, which is now totally controlled by diet alone - no more medication.
Reflux - totally gone
High Cholesterol - now normal
Cirrosis of the Liver - completely normal
Not officially diagnosed, but I think I had sleep apnea, now sleep perfectly normally
Heal spurs - gone
Frequent skin infections - absesses. Greatly improved due to improved blood circulating to the skin tissue. Continues to improve the more weight I lose as the skin surface is nearer to the blood vessels.
To name a few...
My husband was/is 110% supportive of WLS. He could not be more supportive, even though it has been a steep learning curve for him.
I read about this surgery 5 years ago in Woman's Day magazine i was totally for it and did all the testing etc etc. I got the date for my surgery and I chickened out. Fast forward a few years and I got "the calling" and i did what i needed to do and I have absolutely no regrets. Would i have met you all whom i adore completely, NOPE, would i have been able to do the stuff i wanted to do NOPE it's a win win situation
co-morbidities: sleep apnea, asthma, high cholesterol, high lipids, decreased stamina, acid reflux, high blood pressure
I actually went through the entire process, was being prepped for surgery when - the morning of my surgery , on the preop table, with iv in my arm, a routine pee test discovered I was pregnant. This was Sept 2004. Fast forward to March 1st 2006, my 36th birthday - I was miserable. I had a beautiful 9 month old daughter, and 5 year old son but I weighed 342 lbs my highest ever. I called that day and because I did all the requirements years before I was scheduled for gastric bypass on May 1st. Its the BEST decision Ive ever made for myself. Family was scared, but I was more scared of my weight and the depression I was slipping into. While Ive discovered, much to my consternation, that weight loss doesnt = happiness, it IS a step in that direction.