Had My CT Scan Friday Night...
Hey guys, Well I had my CT Scan Friday Night.Dr is checking for an incarcerated incisional hernia. I could only get down 1 cup of that nasty stuff they make you drink!! It made me very nauseated & I felt really bad all weekend. Just kindof weak & tired!! I slept so much I think my hubby was getting worried. I just didn't have an appetite at all!! I was thinking I would get the results this week sometime but I just got a call from surgeon office wants to see me tomorrow at 1:15. Now that was quick-I am not sure how worried to be since he called so quick
!! I am/was hoping if it is a hernia that we could wait until the Fall & I could include a tt with it. TT was not something I was planning on ever doing but if I have a hernia the insurance will pay for the tt as an incidental second procedure. I am going to try not to worry too much & will let you all know tomorrow after my appt. Thanks for the support!!
the philosophy I 'try' to live by is not to worry needlessly. So in your case, no point worrying until you hear what the doc has to say. You could spend hours worrying and then the doc turns round and says everything is fine!
There are enough things in today to worry about without adding to them. Let tomorrows worries wait until tomorrow
And when you hear anything, you know we are here with you, supporting you in any way we can.
If they are giving away a free TT - take it girl, you've earned it!!
Ruth, This has always been one of my downfalls!! I will own up to it
My name is Missy & I am a worrier!
My hubby is one who believes in that philosophy no sense borrowing trouble from tomorrow. I think it is why we work so well together!! He always says "Why should I worry? you do enough for both of us!" hehe. I guess its from my raising-I was the eldest of 3 girls, my mom was a single mother & I always took care of everything.So naturally I worry about everything & everyone!! Boy what I would give for the doc to say its nothing & everything is fine. I so want to just enjoy this summer. I had so many plans you know!!
I am planning on cooking dinner tonight & just crashing on the couch with my family & try to put it to the back of my mind until tomorrow!!
Tell you what if it is nothing You can most definetly have my place in line for the TT.hehe!!
Thanks Girl!! ~Missy~
I worry but in a quiet way.. if there is one.. but I do believe that its not always the best to worry about things you cant control and to deal with them when they arise. Either way, things will work out for u.. if the hernia is there ask for the tt if its not.. than move on.. either way u are a winner.. we will all be here waiting for the update... and know we care