Hi everyone....I saw that Andi replied to one of my posts wanting an update. My world just sucks right now. I know I should be thankful for everything positive - the weight loss - etc - and things could always be worse. Lord knows that some of you certainly do have alot worse on your plate.
I do have to have surgery again. I'm scheduled for Feb 15. The mass they found where my left ovary used to be is approximately 2" x 2". This is the same mass that keeps regrowing.... This will be the 4th time they have removed it...and will be the 8th time I have been opened up - if you count my c-sections, hysterotcomy, and gastric bypass. This will be the 3rd year in a row to be opened up. Last may was my bypass, the june before was the very last time they opened me up to take care of this same mass. So far, my OB/GYN has removed it in the past, and another surgeon in my area. Now, my bypass surgeon is going to open me up and remove it...he promises to have extensive pathology tests done on it to try and find out why it keeps coming back.
So, not the end of the world by any means.....I'm just extremely depressed. I had convinced myself that the bypass would be the last surgery I would ever need. Yeah...made it a whole 9 months. Just beside myself and sick of this.
Anyway..that's the update. Good news is...my stomach has been a mess - and I've lost 5 lbs. LOL - not the best way I know...but it puts me 5 lbs closer to goal!
Thanks for all your kind words and support!
I've already had my ovaries out - they took those out 10 years ago....and I've been opened up 4 times since to remove adhesions/cysts/scar tissue that keeps growing on its own and they don't exactly know why. Maybe, just maybe, they will get it figured out this time. Not holding my breath.
As far as the tummy tuck...asked that. but he's not wanting to do it becuase it will just cause more reason for adhesions and scar tissue to grow back. he wants to concentrate on what needs to be done and nothing more.....and basically says that I really don't need it (it's not bad, but would be nice) and he would suggest I don't put my body through another surgery and not do it. Don't have to tell me twice!
Hey Nicole! I was hoping you were on my holiday card list already so i wouldn't have to ask you, but can i have your address please? I'm going to put you on the prayer chain at work and I want to send you some cheer you up stuff. Before you say you don't need it, it's winter, we can't eat chocolate, you're going for surgery, perhaps you don't need it but gosh i sure do! I need to mother and take care of someone and since i have no pets at this moment (will in spring though!) i need to mother people. Hugs, ANDI
Nicole, Gosh I just don't know what to say!!! Just know you are not alone!! I am getting ready for my 3rd surgery since bypass!! This will make my 6th surgery total!!I had to have a small bowell blockage repaired 12 days out from bypass & now we found I have an incarcerated incisional hernia. I am down in the dumps about it too!! I too had convinced myself that bowel blockage was the last one!! NO more surgeries for me uh
uh!! I didn't even want any plastics!! My Dr keeps mentioning a tt but I said no way!! 1 cause I didn't want any more surgeries 2 cause I didn't think ins would pay for it & I refuse to put my family through any more financial strain. Now he tried to make light of it but since I have to get the hernia fixed insurance will pay for the tt. Decisions,Decisions....
Andi - your just a doll! It's really not necessary, but I'll send ya an email with my address.
Missy - you're the prime example of why I shouldn't be complaining because things could be much worse. 3 surgies since the bypass....and here I am whining about one. Either way you look at it, it just royally sucks. I feel bad for you.....big hugs! Hopefully they will get us both figured out and taken care of. I'm like you...was contemplating a tummy tuck - not anymore, no way, no how. I'm sooooo sick of hospitals. My mood swings have been horrible since I found out....teary one minute, ticked off another minute. Yesterday was horrible, I snapped at everyone, even at work. Sigh. Hubby tried to tell me last night that I've got to get my mind in that right mind frame, or recovery is going to be hell. In my heart I know it...but my head still wants to mope. But - things could always be worse...so time to get over the "ole woe is me" and move on.
Hugs to you all!