Night patrol
this is were we cop to any bad eating for the day.. did u snack or were you able to keep it in check. Last night was a bad night for me.. I ate my dinner and thought I would have some sf jello so I wouldnt eat those darn pretzels.. but low and behold there they were in my hand wanting to be eaten.. why cant I leave them alone.. i think i will go to bed at 7:00 just so I wont think about them all night.. they drive me crazy sitting in the kitchen and I have to buy them.. my SO loves them and always puts them on the list.. although I think I eat them all..hehehehe.. save me from my pretzel violations.
Would it be possible for you to get the individual bags of pretzels so this way when your portion is done then that's it for you? I have made NO good choices for today. For breakfast i had a bag of 94% FF popcorn, then a large cup of decaf, for lunner (that meal between lunch and dinner) i had a fast food cheeseburger with 1/2 a bun, extra onions and pickles. A medium iced coffee, 16.9 ounces of green tea and tonight for my supposed dinner i had a cabbage stir fry which i'm truly hoping will stimulate my bowels if not there could be a hostage situation by tomorrow! I'm gonna see if i can fill me chock full of liquids and find out if that works. I've also had (6) sugar free "dark chocolate" coated expresso beans...i'm hoping that works! ANDI
I've done pretty good today ... stuck to my plan. I'm anxious for payday on Thursday so I can load up on meats and cheeses, some eggs, etc.
I always splurge on a pudding cup and south beach cookies after my Spin class ... I'm actually looking forward to going to the gym! But I've allotted for the splurge in my calorie count so I'm good for today! Woo hoo!
Thanks for keeping us on track!
I made NO good choices today as well. Started the day off at Starbucks, lunch at El Pollo Loco and wonderful SO thought he would pick up dinner so when I got home from the gym Taco Bell was waiting...Oh yeah and I ate a no sugar added ice cream bar too!
1775 calories & 250 carbs later...
Tomorrow WILL be better!
Why is it that we are struggling so?? I confessed to my husband I was having issues... issues with Cheetos, issues with my son's left over french fries, issues with lemon cake. I thought all this stuff was behind me. I was doing so well. And this morning, what the heck was I thinking. I went to Starbuck's for my latte and I bought a small vanilla scone. I wiped the frosting off, but ate the whole damn thing. ARGHHHHH!!!