wow of a different kind
My 12 year old autistic son learned to ride his bike today without his trainning wheels.. I noticed he was going up and down the street and barely touching them.. I moved them up last week so he would have to learn pretty hard to hit him.. He yelled a lot each time he would lean that far to hit them.. but.. by jo he got it.. so today i took them off and sent him down the street and he did it.. he rode his bike without them.. yeah.. i am so happy for him. I am so happy and proud of him... We've been working on this now for 3 years.. and my son has got it.. what a happy mom I am....
Which proves to us that with G*D, patience and tenacity all things are possibly. Imagine we whiney adults who are *****ing and moaning because we're too hungry too tired can't do it tired of dieting and one special little guy who has been working to attain his goal for (3) years.........WAY TO GO CARLA"S SON!!!!!!!!!!! Hugs, ANDI who will officially stop whining today!