How is your protein intake?
Do you still keep track? How much would you say in get in an average day?
I actually bought the food/fitness jounal that the OH store has.. and I find that if I actually use it that I do sooo much better. Of coarse the challenge is sticking with it, if you look in my book one would say..."Oh, wow your doing great until you look at the dates and realize oh the 11 and then the 27. .
I try to hit 70 grams of protein a day. It is a challenge for me and I KNOW that if I would start acheiving that on a regular basis, I would be losing more weight and less hair.
Anyways... new year, new start right!
Not as good as it should be. I aim for minimum of 60. When I'm on my schedule (off of wor****il 1/2/07 since I teach school) its much more achievable. The past week and a half have been a struggle!!!!!!!!! I've probably been getting about 40 g in...but thanks to profect I'm able to hit my 60 (when I drink it).
Bad, bad, bad, mandy.....
New Year, New Start I like it!
I was an AVID fitday girl for the first 5 months or so. When my personal life starting taking a dump I let things go and fitday was one of them. Although I'm picking up the pieces I haven't been tracking in a couple of months. I'd say I'm lucky to get in 30g a day. I'm eating PLENTY of calories though - just not the right choices I suppose.
Well I get my protein in . . . I still drink my protein drinks . . . I found a powder that has very low calories, carbs, and fat but a lot of protein. I add it to a low carb dairy product I get 62 grams of protein from 2 drinks . . That is my breakfast . . . then I eat other protein packed food items. Blue bunny also has a yogurt smoothie that has very little carbs, fat and calories and 13 grams of protein. Just 1 of those and 2 protein drinks and I have 75 grams of protein . . but I do eat food though . . .
Oh I might add that they both taste good too . . .