Amy Beller???
Hi Deanna, I too need her address!!!Got mine all ready to go!!Going to get stamps tomorrow!!Was so hoping to have her new address!!I know she is busy right now with the job & the move!!I just couldn't imagine moving right now!!(well anytime, as we've been in our home 10yrs & have so much stuff)!!Maybe she'll be on soon !!
You guys are so sweet!!! Yes - I am still just wrapped up in the move. We got a wicked ice storm the night we moved and it was a NIGHTMARE!!!! My sister was supposed to watch Katie for us but we ended up with her and her kids at our place because she lost power for several days. About 85% of the town lost power and some for almost a week!! It was crazy crazy crazy!! But we are finally settled and getting used to our new routine.
My diet suffered horribly though
Tomorrow will probably be a very disappointing weigh in for me.
I have to apologize if I don't get my cards out - I have misplaced my list and my personal address book and I never got around to getting a pic for our cards this year so I may just nix Christmas cards all together this year in light of the chaos. So if you don't get one off to me I wouldn't worry about it!!
As for my address - you can still use the old one because I have a forward on it. If you would rather get my new one just send me a message and I will get it to you -- rather not post it in a public forum and tempt all my would be stalkers!
Thanks for all the love!