Day One - Healthy Habits
you go girl you're doing phenomenal! I'm on the second 16.9 ounces of the day which will bring me to my halfway point. I have to work on this a bit, I can't seem to find time to drink like i'm supposed to! I have done pretty well getting in the protein thus far too! You can do it i know you can. Hugs, ANDI
Hi Snookie, i didn't see you sneak in (you're skinny you may have slipped throught the closed door!) i'd have acknowledged your fluid intake. It's 7:40pm EST how many ounces are you at now? I'm downing an additional 16. 9 which will bring me to uhhhh 49.8 ounces and i've got to do another 16.9 before bed. I'm going to have to rethink my liquid intake after dinner, i'm going to be piddling all night at this rate....BLECH
Good Morning Trish! You know what, i t hink you hit the nail on the head with your post.....not great but i'm getting better! Isn't that what this weight loss journey is all about? Each day, striving to do better, be healthier, make better decisions involving our health? I didn't get in my 64oz of fluid either but at 50oz i was a heck of a lot closer then i was last week when i realized i was drinking one bottle of water the whole day and that was it! Today is day two, good luck to you and keep up the great work! ANDI
woohooo you go girl that's going great for you! I think we need to up the fluids right before dinner this way we can get in that extra 10-14 oz! I'm not sure if it was due to the fluids or what but i was able to poop this morning (i know i know tmi but someone has to know this) and then the scale moved AMEN!!!