Please don't use the word "Tard." As a mother of a developmentally challenged child, I find this very hurtful. I know this is the new catch phrase, but it you look at what it means.. it is so not nice. I wish the only thing my son couldn't figure out is how to change his avatar. I hope you figure out your avatar. I dont know how to do it either but I am pretty sure I am talented in other ways and if I put my mind to it.. i could change mine as well..
Sorry to have offended you Carla that was not my intention. I was merely emphasizing my inability. I have an older brother who is developmentally challenged. Spending my whole life acting as an older sister rather than a younger sister and defending him and lashing out at people who have said hurtful things while he is none the wiser... trust me I know how it is. Again, I apologize. I didn't mean to be insensitive.