Somebody on the main board described herself as a 38 extra long. Me too.
Welcome to the wonderful world of displaced tube socks. I think they are reaching for my panni, or beyond.
I've been wearing pullover cotton sports bras, cheap, comfortable and flattening. Nope, not flattering, flattening. I will go get extra heavily underwired wide sides if I have to try to look feminine, but I'm resisting it for comfort.
I went and bought to sports bra's today. it was a 'challenge' to get the right band size, I needed a Medium to get the right cup size I needed a Large. I opted for the right cup, and may just whip stitch a band of elastic to keep them CINCHED down.
I am such a tightwad, I have not changed bra sizes and I am down 106 lbs. heehee I think that I could just stitch a seam in my two 'larger' ones to cinch them down and get another 6 weeks out of them. I promise on my birthday in december I will get REAL fitted bras. heehee
btw, now that I have the girls cinched down for now, I have a complaint.
I went to get some PJ pants. they did not have any SMALL. they had Medium, Large, XL, XXL, and XXXL, now I REMEMBER complaining about never having XXL and XXXL in stock, now I am P&M about no S, but sheez! not one pair in the ENTIRE STORE in Small. what does that tell you? ;)
so I got three Mediums, and they are roomy and comfy without being obscenely falling off when the UPS man knocks. but YOU know and I know that Medium will not fit in 30 more lbs. so I am gonna have to find an outlet that sells Small.
listen to me? what a whiner. HAHAHAHAHA (maniacal giggling) Flip it, I went through a #ell of a Lot this year, I can loose my flipping mind now if I want. giggle
(maniacal giggling)