Hola Friends
Hi Megan
Glad your back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think the weight loss creates a "new"" us" that we all will have to deal with. (as far as men).....as well as our significant others having to deal with the new person we are becomming both on the outside and with {for some of us} new found confidence...... We understand and are here for you....Jeannie
Thank goodness gracious, you're back! I was really worrying about you!!!
You poor dear ... you are only human and no one is ever going to judge you for what you're going through. I have to admit that this journey is way more emotional than I thought it would be and I have a lot of issues going on in my head that I'm dealing with. So, don't ever think you are alone ... there are lots of people here who can relate to these experiences! I hope you feel like you can confide in us because we are here for you and will never judge you!
Welcome back! It's great to see you posting again!
Hey Megan...
So glad to see you back.... you had us all worried. I hope that you feel better soon and just remember that you can always come here to talk. We are all dealing with the same issues and it might have been helpful to talk to someone who is going through the same things as you... anyway, welcome back and don't ever do that again!!!