What did you eat today ?
Thanks for starting this post! I miss having these daily!
B: 1/2 whole wheat english muffin with 1 oz. cheese melted
S: sugar free hot cocoa
L: 1/2 slice whole wheat toast with 1.5 oz. tuna, 1 slice apple
S: 1 graham cracker with peanut butter
D: 1-2 oz. pork chop (it went down! Woo hoo!)
My Dietician has me trying to add more whole grains to my diet because I'm having problems with low blood sugars. Also, she told me to eat every 3 hours. Ugh! I definately do NOT want to get into a habit of grazing so I'm trying to draw a fine line.
I would say that you need to do one or the other, eat more whole grains or eat every three hours. .... my personal non doctor recommendation:
eat more whole grains, not graze.
my daughter is 5.5 months pg and having a blood sugar thing going on. and her doctor agreed, less white, more dark. less white flour, less white sugar, less fruits
more dark flour (whole wheat) more protein (less carbs) and more veggies, less fruits
orange juice, apple juice and bananas will spike you in a heartbeat.
I LOOVE pork chops! gonna get some today
B- 8 oz 2% milk (8:00) 8g
L- 2 oz lobster and 1 oz filet mignon (left overs YUMMY) (10:30) 17g
S - Chex Mix BAD BAD BAD (1:30) 5g
S - TGIF Potato thingies (2 of them BAD BAD BAD) (3:45) 4g
D - pork roast approx 3 oz 20 g
S - Carb Smart Ice Cream bar 2g
56 grams of protein
I met my protein goal of 50+ but I know I made poor choices today. I've not really had to battle cravings but today it was NON stop. The TGIF Potatoes made me sick so that is a good thing. I'm not sure which is more weird....that i ate the chex mix and potatoes or that I'm freaking out over it. Preop I could have eat 3 of those little individual bags of chex mix and 6 -8 of the potato skins. The good thing is those were the last of the ones I bought and I will NOT buy them again.