Monday Exercise Challenge!!!
Hi Guys,
I had to call in sick today, I was tired of being mandated for overtime, so I was able to sleep in until 11am , I had 2 16 hour shifts in a row!!!
Anyway I was able to get to the gym today!!!
45 minutes on elliptical
30 minutes treadmill
30 minutes circuit training
It really felt great to get in a full workout!!!(Never thought I'd fell that way).........I love my new tool!!!
You guys make me feel exhausted just reading your posts!!!!!
I'm doing 50 sit ups each evening and busy gardening (pulling heavy duty weeds and chopping down trees, etc.) and still decorating.
I also try to park further away from the entrance to the stores now to give me a small walk and try to go up and down stairs in my house often, whereas before I would get my daughter or hubby to go for me.
Seeing as all I did before was sit on the couch I am doing much more than I was. My body enjoys being active now and I can't sit for more than 30 minutes.
Having said all that and defended myself for my lack of exercise, I know I still need to find someway to exercise more regularly and efficiently.
Keep up the good work both of you. You must be burning off loads of calories. How many do you recon?
Ruth in your defense also I will say again that everyones journey is different so do what works for you, what you are comfortable with, it all comes in time.
As far as the calories I only know what I burn on the elliptical and treadmill because the little computer tells you, with 45 minutes, I burn about 400-450 calories(depending on which program I use, I mostly only do the gluteal conditioning, I'm trying to build a nice J-LO butt, so I dont have to get implants) The treadill 30 minutes of gluteal conditioning usually burns 200-250 calories. Thats why I try to get an hour on the elliptical with a high resistance its the best cardio workout on the machines.
I'm off today so I'll head to the gym in about an hour and I'll post the exercise challenge when I get back.
I did get motivated from this post, but my home gym is fine for me, 4.3 miles and now I do not feel guilty.
YMMV, no two people are the same. do what you can and be proud, there is no way I would do 50 sit ups in a year let alone in a day. my hat is off to you!
Kat [Photographer & Mom of 5]
[[ Some people are like slinkies, they don't really have a purpose, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.]]
Ok so since my house caught on fire I haven't been able to workout at my gym the way I like to. So I have been using the gym at the hotel. Not a lot of equipment mind you and to many people who want to work out. I guess I will have to get up by 5 am instead of 5:15 in the morning. Anyway i worked out on the tread mill for 1 1/2 miles I will go again tonight if I feel like it and do another 1 1/2 miles. It takes me about 36 min.