How much have you lost????
As of the 12th of July down 43 pounds plus 10 prior to surgery for a grand total of 53 pounds. I only weight once per month. My next weigh in will be August 16th at my doctors office. I have been working out 4 days per week going to be kicking it up to see if the weight really starts to come off.
I know what you mean!!...i lost 50 pounds in the 4 months before surgery....only lost 40 since surgery on May 1st...i'm thinking, what's the deal here? dr. had put me on Adipex for those 4 months....if i could've kept taking them, i might have lost more than after having the surgery....let's hope it gets better soon!!
I totally agree. hoping for improvement. the last 10 days have been phenomenally better. less puking, more exersize, better loss, however this week I am doing HORRIBLY on fluid consumption. I pack a 16 oz bottle around EVERYWHERE and I am barely able to get 1.5 down a day. so that is less than 30 oz a day and I am sure that is delaying my progress.
my nurse said that stress also makes it worse. and that would explain why guys do better, they do not get stressed.
10 weeks out and 45 lbs! Sounds slow to me but I guess it is about average. The scales do not move for a few days and then WOW! Down 3-4 lbs. Wish God has blessed us women with the same metabolism as guys! They seem to lose so much faster!!
For those who are depressed - WE WILL MAKE IT and the scales are going in the right direction! We will all be surprised at out 1 year anniversary!!