Good days vs. Bad days???
OMG are you hiding in my bathroom? yes, this is going on with me. saturday was the worse. I was sick with breakfast, puked up horrible foamies for lunch, and projective vomit (tea through the nose) for dinner. overall I did not get one meal down.
each day is a challenge. yesterday breakfast was great (hamburger), lunch was HEAVY (salmon) and and dinner was fine (roast beef) but then I was STARVING and ate asparagus and was still hungry. had a cup of tea, and then a cup of sugar free hot chocolate. and was still starving so had another cup of hot tea. finally 6 little cookies, which did not sit well, gave me the sugar shakes, but at least I was not starving anymore. first time I have had the bedtime hungries in 7 weeks. usually it is just the oposite, I eat all morning and then the rest of the day. all the salmon's fault.
I get the foamies from soft bagels. so no more.
I got the pukies from cheapo cheapo meatballs (costco)
hopefully today will be better, I finally got hydrated yesterday.