What's In Your BAG????????
This was posted earlier this month and I thought it was a good post.
decided to re post for those of us that hadnn't packed yet. I hadn't packed at the beginning of the month, thought it was to early
Sooooooo.........Whats in your bag????????????
Robe, slippers, chapstick,comb/brush
feminine products, deodorant,meds
Dove soap, toothbrush,paste and mouthwash
WLS binder and WLS for Dummies
can of LYSOL,
copy of my surgery support page,
pics of my children and DH,
portable fan,
laptop computer
Thats all for now

YES I am moving IN!!!!
~~8 DAYS 

they might not let you use your own fan, i would ask before you bring it with you!!
don't forget ....
1 Phone Card
2 Baby Spoon
3 Timer
4 maybe your own pillow
5 comfy cloths to wear home
6 notebook/ couple of pens (sometimes nurses use em' and don't bring em' back)
definatley a PHONE CARD if your "long-distance" for calling anyone!
depending on your surgery type, your hospital stay could be short or long.
Good LUCK to everyone who's deciding on a New Birthday!!!
i'm a Nurse Aide, but i work in Nursing homes... lol yes i've collected many of pens in my time as well!! hahahahaha (habit? or just sick of not being able to find a pen)
i was told to bring a timer so that i could time my intake, had to make 30cc's last 1 hour for the first couple of days...
every hospital is different, every DR. is different on their "rules" LOL
Good luck to you!!

Deoderant? - OK I have to say that after having MAJOR surgery I'm really not going to care what I smell like.
Robe and nightie? - Why would I want to get MY good robe and PJ's ick with bodily fluids? The hospital supplies them!
Laptop - in no way, shape or form am I going to want to type ANYTHING to ANYONE! I am there to REST and RECOVER!
Meds - It's a hospital and you're paying through the nose, they should supply those too!
Comfy clothes to go home in - Same clothes I came IN with!
Dove soap - Again, the hospital should supply.
Comb - Hair will be in a ponytail the WHOLE time!
Mouthwash - doesn't brushing your teeth work?
SO..in my bag I have....Toothbrush/paste, slippers, binder and book. That's all I'll need! SIMPLIFY!!!

YES!!! D-e-o-d-o-r-a-n-t!!!! Major surgery or not you are still required to MAINTAIN proper hygeine.
ROBE- Yes you are required to WALK, WALK, WALK!!!(NOT TO SLEEP IN) I did not say nightie but a robe and my slippers yes(thats just me)
DOVE SOAP-YES!! I already have to bathe with DIAL for 2 days before surgery as askin prep, whicj will dry my skinn to H&LL and back.
NO!!!! The hospital will not supply DOVE SOAP!!!!
F-Y-I~~~~~~DRY skin is COMPROMISED skin and does iNCREASE risk of infection!!!!!
COMB-With MY TEXTURE of hair even in a pony has to be combed through DAILY (thats what mom,sis and hubby is there for)
MOUTHWASH(travel size)- I use it everyday, why change my routine NOW!!! I also just had dental work done, so YES mouthwash!!!!
MEDS- YES nasal spray & eye drops, sometimes its just easier than to wait for pharmacy(which is the same thing they told me today in pre op testing, BUT i also kneew because I used to be employed at the same hospital)
LAPTOP-YES YES YES!!!! I am going to recover BUT NOT CONVALES(as in a convalescent home).
Thats where the problems come in with so many patients they want to lay around and relax and recover and end up wiyh more complications, pneumonia, clots, infections etc. All in the name of recovery!!!!!
I understand the need to simplify, BUT this is a hospital trip not a CAMPING trip!!!!!!