11 Days Post-Op
Hi Everyone,
I am 11 days post-op and I feel great. I had my surgery on 5/5 at Magee Womens Hospital in PA. I cannot say enough about this facility-they were wonderful. I saw my DR. yesterday before flying home to RI and have already lost 21.5 lbs. I cannot believe it-my new life is already on its way. The surgery went great and I had NO complications at all. I was up and walking 2 hours after surgery-a bit of discomfort but nothing I did not expect. For those of you getting ready for surgery, my best advice is to walk as much as possible after surgery as it helps the gas pain issue. Because I have done so well, the DR. has moved me to pureed food ahead of schedule. I had my first meal last night (Gerber Turkey w/gravy dinner 7 grams of protein) with no problems. I can't wait to have breakfast. Good luck to all of those who are on their way and continued success for those already post-op.
Hi Pam,
I have a similiar story. I had my surgery on 5/8 and had no complications as well. I had it done in PA too at Hamot Hospital in Erie PA. I have my first appt. in two days.
Would you be willing to share what your typical day of intake is.... I keep re-reading my journal and wondering if I am getting everything I need or not.
Take care,
I so happy for you. I have found that it is going great and I am losing at an unbelievable rate. I got on the scale this morining and am down another 2 1/2 lbs. As for my diet, I will be happy to share what I know so far. You are going to be on a clear liquid diet for about two weeks I should think. Don't worry just yet about getting what you need at this point. My diet plan has me on pureed foods for 4 weeks. so far so good. The most important thing I can tell you is DO NOT try scrambled eggs for a while. I tried them already and they did not sit well- made me feel like I wanted to throw up- but didn't.
My plan for today is:
12 oz.glass of Designer Whey protein powder in skim milk with Hersheys cocoa powder and equal. I add the cocoa so that it has a better chocolate taste- plus I feel like I am having a treat. This will give me 18 g of Protein right of the bat. I will have three of these today which will give me 54 g of protein.
Breakfast will be 1/4 cup of cream of wheat with equal 4g of protein
Luch will be 1 jar of Gerbers stage 2 Turkey w/ gravy 8 g protein
Dinner will be 1 jar of Gerbers Ham dinner and 1/2 jar of Gerbers carrots
about 10 g of protein.
So the total grams for the day will be 76 g of protein. This is more than the 50-60 that was recommended but the more protein the better. Of course I will also be drinking about 60 oz. of water throughout the day. I am going to try to get between 60-80 grams per day so that I won't have any muscle loss or loss of hair.
I am taking the Centrum chewable vitamins-1/day, Tagamet 2/day to decrease acid buildup. I can also take liquid Tylenol if I need it-but haven't as of yet.
If you would like a copy of my diet you can get it from the UPMC Bariatric Surgery website. It is a great resource. I did a lot of research and reading on what I could have after surgery and tried many of the food products before hand so that I would know what I liked and disliked.
Let me know if you have any questions or if you would like to be email buddies. It would be great to be able to talk back and forth outside of the OH website.
Good Luck-Pam