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Topic: RE: Got a GI appt. TOMORROW!
Now hopefully he can get an endoscopy scheduled very soon to see what is going on there.
We'll be waiting to hear...
Topic: Got a GI appt. TOMORROW!
I called and got an appointment with the GI tomorrow. I explained that I'm not able to eat much and have lost a lot of weight in the last month. They said they had a cancellation for tomorrow if I could make it! I SURE CAN! So, I'll letcha all know what's up!
Topic: RE: Has anyone had gall bladder problems?
Ooohhh....sounds just like gall bladder. I had mine removed in 1993, 7 weeks after I had a C-section. I had my first attack when I was 7 months pg and I, too, thought I was having a heart attack. I threw up and it went away! Try eating VERY low-fat and that may help, it did me. I never ate more than 5 grams/fat per meal. I lost a lot of weight, too!
Rejoicing 2B free
on 8/23/06 11:53 pm - southern states
on 8/23/06 11:53 pm - southern states
Topic: RE: Ya know...
We're here with ya MIchelle, Some times we find ourselves in what I call the " Don't Know " place. Where answers are elusive and we're not sure WHAT it is exactly that we're dealing with. Personally I find it very hard to be in such a place cuz as humans, we DO like to KNOW - so we can DO something.
It is very hard to be still and not DO anything. But in the being still , peace can seep in and surround us and allow us the grace to bear up under the difficulty. Light will come. I pray for you a gift of peace and comfort in this storm of illness and questions and awaiting further tests and exams to bring a diagnosis.
It brings to mind an old friend who was really going through a hard place. She was hurting physically and emotionally and her 'storm at sea' was raging. We met for prayer and she prayed for a gift of { bouyancy } so that IF the storm raged on, she would not sink but be able to stay afloat. I like that word picture. Bouyancy, I wish that for you also.
** I would think it appropriate to request a much sooner appt. w/GI doc. It may be good to run a scope down to inspect the pouch . Something is making you
It is a gracious act of kindness to yourself... to be a squeeky wheel.
You are cared about and matter to us.
Revision on 10/29/12
Topic: RE: Wedding photos
COngrats to your daughter and new son in law, you and your family are so beautiful!!! You have MUCH to be proud of!! Take care!! Hugs, Stef
Topic: RE: Ya know...
Aw, Sweety, when it rains, it pours, doesn't it?
I hope you start feeling better soon!
Topic: RE: Ya know...
Hugs Michelle,
I hope you're feeling better very soon!!! You deserve to feel GOOD!
Topic: Ya know...
I'm just sick and tired of being sick and tired!! I went to the doc yesterday for a follow-up of my back/abdomen pain and he's thinking now that I may have a bulging disk in my back which is pinching a nerve - I forget which one he said it was, but it's the one that runs along the bottom of my ribs in the back and around the side below my ribs. I have to get an MRI to confirm it. Yesterday my back was feeling a LOT better, today, too but I've just not been feeling all that hot anyway. I've not been able to eat much in the last 2-3 weeks (I've lost almost 20 pounds in the last 3 weeks - going from about 205 a few weeks ago, 196 exactly two weeks ago, to 186 yesterday - and I can't even feel good about being in ONE-derland cuz it's scary!) and today I've felt nauseous and just kind of a "full" feeling in my stomach all day. I threw up my dinner - not because it got stuck or anything just cuz I was nauseous. And it was homemade chicken soup! Nothing harsh! Sigh... I went from my fibro pain, to my back pain and having to cancel my surgery, to now having (possibly) some stomach virus!! My doc has scheduled an appointment with a GI doc, (did this when I was having all of that pain) but that's not until 9/21. I just want to feel good! Is that too much to ask?