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Topic: RE: Hello fellow Maysters.... :)
Hey Jill!
I like..."this next year of recovery"...its never ending right?
Topic: RE: 5 day pouch test..join me
Hey jane, when do you plan on starting?I've had success with this in the past
Topic: RE: Hello fellow Maysters.... :)
Hello Jane,
yes, that was me.... lol, nice to be remembered....
i know, it seems that sometimes it was easier to be 'heavy' but i guess not really.... hahaha...
hiding behind the fat, hiding behind the jokes... hiding hiding hiding.. oh lordy!!!
Now, if only I could just HIDE!!

Topic: RE: Hello fellow Maysters.... :)
Hi Jill,
I agree life was simpler when I was heavy..not always worrying about food and exercise but I do feel better and am definitely healthier. My family and even neighbors are proud of my dedication so I guess it al works out. So you are the Yellow rose of Texas from before?
Topic: 5 day pouch test..join me
Hi Maysters, Have any of you heard of the 5 day pouch test? I read about it on the California message board. It helps people to get back to basics. Day one and two one only drinks protein drinks, clear broth, sugar free jello or pudding and of course drink 64 ounces of water (sound familiar?). Any way check it out. I am going to start this Monday for sure. I really need to start eating like I did in the beginning. I want to loose a few pounds but more than that I want to keep from starting an upward sliiiiiiiiiiiiiide. If you want more info. let me know and I hope some of you will want to join me on this new journey as you did with my old one 3 years ago. Jane
(243/139/154) P.S.I remember many of you from your posts back in the day. It really is terrific hearing about you on the Maysters roll call.

Topic: Hello fellow Maysters.... :)
I used to post under here under a diff name.... (with a yellow rose as my avatar!!) but finally have changed/updated my profile...
I had my surgery 3 years ago today. It has been a wild ride ever since. I feel pretty good, but still somewhat lost.
Pre-surgery I was on a lot of medications, now I take a lot of supplements and vits.... but my cholest and acid reflux is gone.... the high BP is pretty much gone, but sometimes it goes way up.
Last Fall I left my job of 18 plus years to search out a different life.... I have been doing temp work (when I can get it) and have not been able to find full time work. So that is hard. I had a tough break up in Jan of 07 and I am now 'dating as a thin person' for the first time in ages... well, let me tell you... in my 40s, its not that simple.. (but not sure it was simple in my 20s either... lol)
Sometimes I think I was much happier as a heavy person. I had my fat to hide behind, and today I dont have as much guts as I used to have. Or maybe that is just my age! eek.
I dont always post here, but I lurk. I find you all to be such a great support and inspiring.
I have gotten as low as 20.1 BMI and now I am at 22.3 Ithink? It says I am 'normal' lol... me? normal!!? Anyway.... I still USE food for the wrong reasons, and I still dont like my body at the lowest weight... lol. i have had so many wonderful days though... So all we we can do is keep moving on.
For the next year of 'recovery' I hope to find love in my heart and a job... I am involved with someone but I want it to be FULL TIME!! and a FULL TIME job too... and I would looooove a baby, but that might really be pushing it... lol

Topic: RE: Maysters (2005) Roll-Call - Check in Folks
I'm alive and kicking! It's been a crazy year for me - divorced and remarried in one year (to my 'HS sweetheart!) Up until about 5 months ago, I was still maintaining my weight but have since put on about 8 pounds - mostly sitting on my butt all winter and not being as conscious about what I eat. I've since joined the Y and either walk or play racquetball every day (or both). Initiatially, I dropped about 3 pounds but I've maintained ever since - it's been about a month. I'm not overly concerned about it... Sure, I'd like to get back down to 150 or so but I'm okay where I am as long as I don't keep gaining.
I've found that I pretty much eat like anyone else, although not as much - but certainly what I would consider a "normal sized" meal. I still stay away from fried foods and only tolerate a bit of sugar. I probably do more carbs than necessary and I definately eat non-stop right before my period. I haven't been as diligent as I should on vitamins, but I try. My hubbie (lovingly) reminds me on a pretty regular basis. I just had labs done for the first time in two years, so we'll see how that goes.
Overall, I'm happy and at the very least, a million times healthier than I was three years ago.
I'm so sorry about Rich's dad, hon, and I hope you get your own medical issues under control this year. I don't come on here much but I certainly think about you and many others often.
Topic: RE: My 3 year blurb....Long!!!!
I been looking for you!!!!!! I had questions after your last update. Thanks to you, and all who have replied with such kind words. Much Appreciated
Topic: RE: My 3 year blurb....Long!!!!
You've come so far - not just physically, but mentally. Don't ever forget that this isn't just a body changing decision but a mind and heart change as well. You've grown so much over the past 3 years, just as we all have. I'm so glad to see your post - I haven't been on OH in ages and with my 3 years coming up, I was feeling pretty nostalgic, as well.

Topic: RE: My 3 year blurb....Long!!!!
Congratulations to you! Thank you so much for your HONEST anniversary blog. You have accomplished so much, running, did you ever think you would say that you can run with your son. The life we got back is wonderful, I was heavy as a child so I never ran. But I find myself now running, riding bikes and going to the gym. Things I never dreamed of. Don't be down on yourself, you accomplished ALOT. The drinking I can relate too, I too noticed that things were going in that direction, I too have a family history of addictions, I was able to pull myself back -- my doctor had warned me of this and it stayed in the back of my head at all times.
Be proud of the new you and enjoy!