Frustrations Abound
1. (This one isn't really a frustration...) Gastroenterologist wants to see how I do on the Carafate and Protonix. If in a month, my pouch is still sore - he'll go in (endoscopy).
2. CT scan - negative. Nothing. Just my normal parts and rearrangements. No bowel obstructions, kinks, etc. Only thing noted was some types of cysts (female) that they said were nothing. They begin with an "N". Dropped the report off at my surgeon's since I was next door.
3. Blood sugar crashes. This is the 2nd. I had one about 10 days ago on a weekend and then this afternoon. Both were in the afternoon. Both were within 30-60 minutes of eating protein. The first time was a Stallone Protein pudding with a couple of tbspns of cool whip light. And today it was 2 hours after celery w/ PB and while I was finishing up a protein shake that I started 30 minutes prior. I shouldn't be crashing after eating protein. What gives?
4. I missed my endocrinologist appointment at noon today. Completely forgot this morning and I even looked at my calendar. Duh. I only thought of it as my sugar was crashing.
5. My side hurts and there is no known reason for it. I hate this. I really do.
We now return you to your normally scheduled programming.
Hugs from me, too! I wish I could wave a wand and make it all go away for you!
As for the blood sugar thing, I've been experiencing similar issues, too, as you know... Gonna ask my surgeon about it next time I'm in. If they ever get the glucometer at work fixed, I'm going to have the nurse check it for me a few times just so I can see what it's actually doing...
I'm really sorry your side hurts... Could it be an adhesion? Is there any way they can test for that? Might be the only way they'll ever find it is if they do exploratory...