streched pouch?
I have got to be eating too much. Can my puch be streched already? Sometimes I can eat anf drink at the same time. I can eat a whole sandwich (bread and luncheon meat) I can eat an entire lean cuisine (8-10 ozs) I have been trying to keep track of calories and average 1000-1200 daily. I have opnly lost 107 lbs since surgery. I have to admit I need to do more exercise but I am really concerned about how much I can eat. Help!
highest/ consult/preop/ current/goal
My understanding is that eating about 8 oz at about a year out would not be unusual and a year is only 2 months away.
Being able to eat and drink at the same time isn't something that you "can" do... it is something that the doctors/nutritionists recommend that you don't do. When you eat and drink at the same time you can push the solid food out of the pouch sooner making making you not feel full which means that you can eat more. If you don't drink with your meal, I'd bet you'll find that the amount you can eat will be somewhat reduced.
If you are only eating 1000-1200 calories daily then you are in the same range as many others of us that are 10 months post-op. That's probably what I get in. My weight loss is very slow now (aka non-existent) but I'm doing what I should do and all that I can do.
Exercise definitely helps. The weather is turning nicer perhaps you'll be able to get into some good exercise routine?
Best wishes, Kathy
I'm looking forward to the warmer weather to get out and more active. My husband and I just bought bicycles this past weekend. Cannot wait to take 'em for a spin.
Plus I really enjoy walking. I go to the gym in the mornings but having an evening walk would be a bonus workout!
Good luck to you, Kathy
Revision on 10/29/12
I have been eating entire lean cuisines for months. They have a large water content. There is no way you are going to gain weight on 1000-1200 calories a day so I wouldn't worry about it. I know how you feel though and it is hard I used to think I ate too much but if I have a meal with meat (not lunch meat) I can only eat a few bites. It is normal for the pouch to stretch to some degree... we cant survive on 1-2 oz forver! (by the way I dont think I ever ate only 1-2 oz. ) ANd 107 lbs is terrific. When is the last time you lost 107 lbs in 10 months? That is great! I have lost 98 and I am not upset by this at all. Good luck to you... let me reassure you (sometimes that is all we need) that you sound like you are doing just great! Hugs, Stef
What do you mean "only 107 pounds"?!?!? Joanne, that is fantastic! Give yourself some credit because you have obviously worked hard to lose 107 in 10 months! Stef's right, those frozen entree's have a very high water content, so you really can't go by how many ounces there are all of the time. For example, last night, for dinner I had a 3 ounce crab cake, a cup of tossed salad (greens and cucumber slices), and a s/f pudding cup. So if I were to go by ounces, that would be 3 for the crab, 8 for the salad, and 4 for the pudding cup, so that's "15 ounces" and ounce-wise, we're not supposed to eat that much, but volume-wise it was probably fine. The salad takes up very little pouch space, the pudding is basically a glorified liquid, the crab cake was the most dense part of the meal. Now, I will admit that it took me about 45 minutes to eat all that and I felt full after, but the entire meal was less than 300 calories. So I guess I'm trying to say that you can't always say "wow that's too many ounces" because it's not always that simple.
Anyway, keep up the good work!
Hugs, Tracy
I have felt the same way, but then I think about how much I ate before and I still am eating much less. I can never finish a meal at the restaurant, heck by the time I have a piece of bread and some soup dinner comes and I am full. My problem is I am eating the wrong things, I discovered I can eat sugar, ughh. But I have promised myself I will do better. If you are watching your calories you should be fine. I also was not doing an exercise so this Monday I just started to do my morning walks again, each day I jog for the first bit (I am down 4 houses now) then I walk the rest. I figure by the end of the summer I will be able to jog the entire block, lol.
You are being way too hard on yourself. I have ate as much as 1500 calories a day. I try not to drink with meals too but I only struggle with this on the weekends when Im out of routine and dont get in all my water for the day. Guess what I can eat a whole sandwhich too and sometimes a few chips with it, what ya think about that? A Lean Cuisine is nothing to finish at one time trust me. I have only lost 109 pounds since surgery so you are probably doing just right.
Ease up on yourself, its all good
Thanks guys! When I look at how much others have lost I feel down because I haven't acheived that level of loss. I know I know we are all individuals and we will lose at different rates. I just look forward to being at my goal weight. I have gone from size 26-28 to 16-18, I feel great. just time to get more exercies. I have been working FT and going to school FT and I have those three boys (4 if you include the husband). I am starting to feel better now so I can relax
Thanks again