Gym Is Open (Wednesday)
My Wednesday workout:
Cardio: Treadmill 35 minutes (5 min @ 3.0 mph 0%, 30 min @ 4.5 mph @ 2.5%)
SB Table Top 3 x 60 sec
Machine Back Extension 3 x 10
SB Wall Squat 3 x 8
Machine Leg Curls 2 x 10
Machine Leg Extension 2 x 10
Stability Ball Single Leg DB Shoulder Press 2 x 10
Machine Calf Raise 2 x 15
What did you do to move your body today?
I had good intentions but cut my workout short b/c I started feeling weak and dizzy. Ive done this routine for a few weeks with no problems but today for some reason my body said no.
Treadmill level-25 min @3.7mph, 10min @3.2mph (usually [email protected])
If I feel like it later on I might try it again to make up those last few min.
Did just about 20 minutes (stopped at 200 calories burned) on the Cybex Arc Trainer. Did 1.1 or so miles.
Seated leg curls (12 @ 50 lbs, 10 @ 40 lbs)
Seated leg raises (12 @ 50 lbs times 2)
Leg Abductor (12 @ 100 lbs times 2)
Leg Adductor (12 @ 100 lbs times 2)
Leg Curls (12 @ 40 lbs, 10 @ 50 lbs)
Stability ball side-to-side pelvic moves, 100 total (50 each way)
Stability ball front-to-back pelvic tilts, 100 total (50 front, 50 back)
Stability ball seated leg raises, 100 total (50 each leg)
Stability ball wall squats, 25 total (held for a count of 5)
p.s. In addition to yesterday's post, I did some clam shells (on your side, knees bent, feet together, separating knees) - 100 each leg; leg raises (on back, on stomach, on side) 50 each way, each leg. All while I watched TV.
Hi There!
I did 26 minutes on the Precor stair stepper thingy. Then, did weight training with the trainer.
3x15 side step ups onto a bench (on each leg)
3x15 push ups against a 45 degree angle
3x15 chest press, one arm at a time, while counter weighting the machine with my own weight (I was standing, but had legs bent in a sitting position)
Drop-ins on the leg curl and extenstion machines. You should try these! Do 8 reps at 75 pounds, 10 reps at 65 pounds, 12 reps at 45 pounds. Then rest, and do the whole thing two more times! Talk about burn!
Biked 12 minutes and did the following for 1 minute each while I pedaled: shoulder press w/5 pound weights, arm curls w/5 pound weights, drop both arms behind the head w/a 10 pound weight. Rest arms while pedaling for 1 minute. Do the whole circuit 3 times in a row.
I probably did some other things, but I can't remember what right now. Needless to say, my legs were so worn out that I sweet talked my husband into getting things for me while I laid like a marshmallow on the couch.
Good job on the workouts everyone!