Gym Is Open (Monday)
New week, new resolve to get in that daily exercise, right???
Here is what I did today:
SB Reverse Crunch 3 x 15
Stability Ball Weighted Oblique Crunch 3 x 10 each
Stability Ball DB Chest Press 3 x 8
Stability Ball DB Pull Over 3 x 8
SB DB Fly 2 x 10
Lat Pull Down Wide Grip 2 x 10
Cable Biceps Curls 2 x 10
V Grip Cable Triceps Extension 2 x 10
I did 25 minutes on the treadmill for cardio.
What did you do to move your body today?
I did 15 minutes on the cycle for cardio. Pushed it a bunch too.
I was reading on using higher weights so that the fatigue is there for the one set rather than doing lots of sets so here goes:
Seated leg curls 1 x 12 (40 lbs)
Leg extension 1 x 12 (40 lbs)
Hip abduction 1 x 12 (90 lbs)
Hip adduction 1 x 12 (90 lbs)
Leg curls (on stomach) 1 x 12 (40 lbs)
Stability ball, hip side-to-side, 100
Stability ball, hip front-to-back, 100
Stability ball, bent leg lifts, 100
Stability ball, wall squats, 25 (held for a count of 5)
Hi All ~
I got to the gym and did 25 minutes cardio on the Precor stair stepper thingy.
Then I met with my trainer . . .
3 sets of 20 walking lunges while holding 10 lb weights in each hand. Traded this out with doing 1 minute on the mountain climber machine each time.
3 sets of 15 on the leg press machine (where you lay on your back and do squats) with 150 pounds. Traded this out with doing 3 sets of 15 of "hug a tree" with your arms with 10 lb. weights.
3 sets of 15 of standing lunges while doing a shoulder press with 10 lb. weight in one hand. Did 3 sets on each leg/arm.
Walking lunges back to the abs area while carrying 15 lb. weights in each hand. Must have done about 40 of them!
Got on the incline board to do abs (45 degree angle upside down). Held my body halfway down, and did arm curls with a band. Did 3 sets of 15 intermittent with laying down on the board and doing skull crushers with the band.
Whew! My trainer was bound and determined to wear out my legs today, and I think she did it!