I went on a Baking Bindge
How weird is this....
This weekend, I decided to back some bread from scratch..... (I do love to bake, but I've always eaten what I bake, so I've cut way way back).
I served my family, steak, pasta, salad and my beautiful crusty loaf for dinner Sunday night. I had coffee.... didn't even have a taste of the bread...
Monday night I noticed some over ripe bananas... so... yup... banana bread.... again...didn't even have a taste of the bread...
Tuesday night I was cleaning out a cabinet and found some brown sugar and chopped pecans.... Yup... I made a stussel coffee cake.... I did have some of the nuts... but didn't have any interest in the finished product....
Wednesday night I made mini chocolate chip cookies... my teenagers loved them, my husband began looking at me weird....
I got a pan out last night and my DH grabbed my wrist and said "Stop"... "We have more baked goods than Shaws".... I laughed, but I really thought about it this morning....
What caused this baking binge... After some self analysis, I have come to a conclusion....
My Son received his College acceptance on Saturday...
I was falling into the same patern that I grew up with... I was loving him with food...
God, I'm going to miss him...
How is he going to survive out in the world? He's smart and funny and I know he'll be fine... It's me I'm worried about.... How could I be old enough to start thinking about "Empty Nest"? My baby Girl starts two years from now... where does the time go?
Thank you Maysters for reading this missive. I know that I'll be able to fill the void, but... Where did my babies go?
Kate Z
I'm so sorry you are going through the "empty nest syndrome", but, at the same time I'm so glad you don't have a son that is 30+ years old and you are thinking, when is he ever going to get out on his own! I keep meeting women with this problem! It really is worse.
Congrats on not being tempted to eat those yummy baked goods. I'm sure I wouldn't have your will power!
That's great that you were able to do that much baking and resist ALL of it!!!!!
Empty Nest - REALLY - I'm more then willing to loan a few of mine out for a weekend if it gets bad for you Kate. I have two that are going through a horrible phase right now (God, I pray its only a phase) lol