Easter needs to be OVER
Unlike many people, my worst eating holiday has always been Easter. Not Thanksgiving or Christmas.. not Valentine's Day.. EASTER. I'm not even that big of a chocolate fan.. but when the Easter candy rolls ou****ch out.
I don't dump on sugar. This is bad. Very bad. And when my sweet mother brought home a bag of Hershey's chocolate eggs (with that candy coating on the outside) I was able to restrain myself for a few days. Then I had one. Then I had another one a little while later. Then she bought another bag.
Then she did a very evil, evil thing. Cadbury's Mini Eggs are my diehard favorite candy of all time. Guess what? She found them as buy a bag, get a bag free yesterday, and now they're making their way into my little stomach. Granted, I'm still losing weight while doing this to myself, but I just can't make myself stop!
I've asked her to not buy this stuff anymore.. I've asked her to at least keep it out of the rooms we both use, so that it's not within easy reach, if she MUST buy it. She's been so supportive and proud up till this point. I know it's MY fault I put this crap in my mouth.. but it's so good! And I'm PMSing! I want more!!!
Whew.. ok, I think I'm alright now.. I just can't wait until Easter is over.
First of all, Congratulations on your Century Club status! Yea! I see that you are down more than 100 lbs. That's awesome!
Mom didn't bring home Cadbury mini eggs? OMG. Those were my favs. Absolutely.
Can you ask her to take them away? Lock them up? Beg her? Plead with her? Something?
It is very hard to keep away from food that was our friend, our comfort, our source of cravings, our trigger food. Yikes!
Good luck to you!
My favs were the chocolate covered peanut butter eggs - I LOVE PB!! So glad I can finally eat more than a tsp of it at a time - its good with a touch of honey and flaxseeds on a slice of toast in the a.m.
Anyway, back to the pb eggs - I've not had any blatent sugar since the surgery (meaning candy, cakes, etc. except sf ones) and I'm really in no hurry to try it. Just, like Kathy said, beg mom to keep them away!! Far, far away like in the next galaxy.