Gym Is Open (Monday)
New week, new chance to start exercising!
Here is what I did today:
SB Reverse Crunch 3 x 15
Stability Ball Weighted Oblique Crunch 3 x 10 each
Stability Ball DB Chest Press 3 x 8
Stability Ball DB Pull Over 3 x 8
SB DB Fly 2 x 10
Lat Pull Down Wide Grip 2 x 10
Cable Biceps Curls 2 x 10
V Grip Cable Triceps Extension 2 x 10
For cardio I did 20 minutes on the treadmill at 3.5 mph. Still coughing.
What did you do to move your body today?
Lets see...I did 15 minutes on the exercise bike...
I did:
Seated leg curls 3 x 12 (30 lbs)
Leg extension 3 x 12 (30 lbs)
Hip abduction 5 x 12 (50 lbs)
Hip adduction 5 x 12 (50 lbs)
Leg curls (on stomach) 3 x 12 (30 lbs)
Stability ball, hip side-to-side, 100
Stability ball, hip front-to-back, 100
Stability ball, bent leg lifts, 50
Stability ball, wall squats, 25 (held for a count of 5)
Bosu ball, standing balance, 5 on each foot (count of 10)
Leg circles (abs), 20 + 10 each direction
Raised abs, 5 held for a count of 30
Legs in air, hip lift, 25
I count round trips, so I really do 36 round trips. I count in sets of 10 round trips, do 3 sets of 10, then a set of 6.
I used to wear a lap counter that fit on my finger, but now I can count it, no problem. Plus I watch the lap clock sometimes (when I'm bored). I do a round trip in 1 minute 3 seconds (when I'm being lazy, which is usually).