Now that's comedy
Picture hubby and wife, bothgastric bypass patients, standing in front of the bathroom mirror sans clothing flexing their arm/shoulder muscles comparing muscle tone and flappage. And we won't discuss the comparing/viewing of the abdominal skin...
OMG. Now that's comedy...
Seriously, we have both done very well with the muscle tone on the arms and shoulders where it is far more noticeable compared to other parts of the body. However, I'm now nursing a boo-boo shoulder so I won't be doing any upper body work for a while. (I can do bicep curls carefully without using the shoulder so I'll do those.) Did it start hurting at the gym? No. I rolled over funky in bed the other day and heard a pop of sorts and then felt it. What a surprise...I can injure myself rolling over in bed. That's pure me!