Got some shorts on!!!
OMG! I am so hot...
I can't remember the last time I had shorts on and didn't feel so self conscious I thought I would die or my thighs rubbed together so bad I thought I would spontaneously combust!
Just doing a little jig around my deck on this beautiful 82 degree afternoon. I am actually welcoming summer this year.
Good for you Jen!!! It's in the 80s here too and I've got to go buy some shorts! I'm wearing clothes that my mom has given me, since used to be my size until she lost some weight. However, my mom has NEVER worn shorts. I want some now! I may have to make a run to WalMart to pick up a pair to wear and enjoy the weather and the fact that I CAN wear shorts now!
Enjoy your success and I'm dancing a jig with ya!