1.) Name - Julie Froggerfly!
2.) Age - 31
3.) Height - 5'10"
4.) Starting weight - 391 lbs
5.) Goal Weight (Doc/yours) - 170/170
6.) How much do you lack from your goal or have you reached it already?
46 lbs left to go!
7.) Have you been exercising regularly? What kind?
Yes, I walk every morning before work, and I work out on my lunch break (weights/cardio/resistance training), although I go through periods when I slack off.
8.) Have you been eating things you are not approved to eat?
Yes, and it's really hard to stay on track now that I've started doing it.
9.) What is your latest accomplished goal?
WLS related? Hmmm...I guess just that I'm DOING this. Every day.
10.) Describe the difference in your feelings from when you began this journey and how you feel now.
Leagues different! I'm happier, more outgoing, less hesitant to do things that I want to do. Tons of energy, and the list goes on forever!
11.) How is everyone around you handling the weight loss? (jealously, happiness, etc...)
Everyone that I've told has been really supportive. Every day at work is like walking a runway. People constantly tell me how good I look, how beautiful I am, and how well I'm doing.
12.) Have you had to lose some friends over the weight loss?
Only the ones that I've avoided because I know they would be negative about my decision. No real loss, since if they can't support me, they weren't my true friends anyway.
13.) Feel free to add anything that has been going on lately or anything that you would like to share!
Still planning our Sept 3rd wedding, and I'm being published...finally!
I'm very happy and grateful
Revision on 10/29/12
1.) Name
Stefanie Dahill
2.) Age
3.) Height
4.) Starting weight
5.) Goal Weight (Doc/yours)
6.) How much do you lack from your goal or have you reached it already?
I am 155 now so 25 more lbs. to go!
7.) Have you been exercising regularly? What kind?
SPoradic.... I love to swim was a competitive swimmer up until college, I also do Cybex and elliptical
8.) Have you been eating things you are not approved to eat?
Well I am eating things that I shouldn't but have not been told by my nut. NOT to have certain things. I eat chips, popcorn, crackers, etc. but NO SWEETS!
9.) What is your latest accomplished goal?
Getting into size SMALL shirts and size 8 pants!! WOOHOO
10.) Describe the difference in your feelings from when you began this journey and how you feel now.
OH MY GOD I was so depressed and had major anxiety that I was eating too mcuh and it wouldn't work but now I feel more confident and so glad I did it. My fiance has told me that he always thought i was beautiful but now I am "hot as $h*t". It makes me feel good!
11.) How is everyone around you handling the weight loss? (jealously, happiness, etc...)
SO supportive! It has really been great!
12.) Have you had to lose some friends over the weight loss?
Nope... but I don't have many friends anyway!
13.) Feel free to add anything that has been going on lately or anything that you would like to share!
Very curious to see how my wedding dress fits come my wedding May 20...geting nervous and excited about it!