Wacked Out Wednesday
1. Wackiest nickname given to you:
2. Wacked out state you live in:
3. Wackiest comedy TV show of all time:
4. Wackiest comedy movie of all time:
5. Wackiest comedian/comedianne:
6. Wackiest thing that every happened to you:
7. Wackiest thing that you saw happen to someone else:
8. Wackiest person that you ever met:
9. Wackiest thing that you ever wore and when:
10. Wackiest thing that you ever ate:
1. Wackiest nickname given to you: I guess Lola. As in whatever, Lola wants, Lola gets. It involved a flower behind my ear.
2. Wacked out state you live in: Complete and utter chaos, of course.
3. Wackiest comedy TV show of all time: MASH
4. Wackiest comedy movie of all time: Monty Python and the Holy Grail
5. Wackiest comedian/comedianne: Robin Williams
6. Wackiest thing that every happened to you: Oh, so many to choose from. This is only a couple of years ago. Rich was sitting on the sofa and I was walking over to sit next to him and I tripped on his big honking feet. Well, I headed face first into the sofa. I had my arms out in front of me but my arms slide between the sofa cushion and the back of the sofa and I ended up stopping falling by landing on my face. It was so graceful. Rich sat there open mouthed-slack jawed wondering what in the heck I was doing. Of course, he teased me unrelentlessly about that for a while.
7. Wackiest thing that you saw happen to someone else:
Was on an elevator with a complete and utter biotch one day a zillion years ago. When she finally went to leave the elevator I saw that the back of her skirt and slip were tucked up into the back of her pantyhose. Everyone on the elevator rejoiced when the doors shut. Very funny.
8. Wackiest person that you ever met:
I'll have to think on this one.
9. Wackiest thing that you ever wore and when:
There was the pot holder shirt my mother got me. Two of them in fact, one red and one purple. You know those things people make in camp. You looped things around pegs and made a pot holder. Well this shirt had loops of fabric hanging off it. I had them and just after WLS...they were donated. Goodness knows who has them now! God bless them! These were probably from the late 80s but who knows? Home Shopping Network specials. Not sure why I wore them either. But not often.
10. Wackiest thing that you ever ate: Haggis while in Scotland. Never again. (Perhaps this should be grossest thing I ever ate.)
1. Nickname: Pulltab... Still my nickname... What can I say? Peircings...
2. I've always lived in Indiana - it's pretty wacky if you think about it
3. Hmmm... I'd have to say Will and Grace... or maybe M.A.S.H.
4. It's a toss up between My Blue Heaven and LA Stories (love Steve Martin) - remember the "WAACCCKKYYY WEAATHER!!!"?
5. Comedian: Steve Martin or Howie Mandel, Comedienne: Elayne Boosler
6: Hmmm...I don't know, I'm pretty boring... I'll have to get back to you on that.
7. Hmmm... I saw a guy showing off at a pool once and slipped on the diving board and uh... hum.. well, his "twins" became a "singlet"...
8. That would have to be my husband. Seriously. He's a total nut.
9. I dressed up as a Copa Cabana girl in 8th grade for a Casino Night event at school. In HS I was one of those scary combat boot and fishnets with black gauzy shirts and lots of scary makeup, but that didn't really seem wacky to me.
10. I've eaten some really weird stuff... Monkey brains, cow eye, snake, shark, escargot... I'm daring... Once. Just to say I did...
Good Morning Kathy...
Here's my Wackiests'
1. Nickname - Jingles.... I used to be a "pinball wizard" in grade school so my Dad used to give me my $5 allowance in quarters.
2. State - The Socialist Republic of "Taxachusetts"... need I say more...
3. TV Show - H.R.Puffinstuff.... I was experimenting with drugs at the time... that show ROCKED
4. Movie - My all time favorite comedy is "Young Frankenstein"... Every time I see it I get more jokes that I missed the time before...
5. Comedian - I know I'm dating myself, but if you've never listed to an old Sophie Tucker album you've missed the classic bawdy woman of all time.
6. Wackiest experience - too many to list...
7. Wackiest Witness - I was sitting at a Caribbean Stud table in the MGM Vegas about 10 years ago. There was a guy two seats over that wasn't playing the Bonus... He hit the Royal ($130K) IF he was playing the Bonus. His wife went hysterical thinking he had won... 20 minutes later when everyone explained to her that he hadn't won; she decked him... right there beside the table... (I bet that was one hell of a trip home)...
8. Wackiest Person - Haven't really met you yet Kathy, but I'd bet you'd be in the running...
9. Wackiest Fashion - My Mom used to crochet and make a lot of our clothes when times were tight... I once wore a crochet dress over my 200 lb frame to 6th grade... no slip... (YUCK)
10. Wackiest Food - That again is a tough one... My Brother-in-law is a gourmand... He is in charge of the Thanksgiving appetizer. I've had Monkey, alligator, lion, zebra, rattlesnake, conga eel, .....
This was fun...
Kate Z