Gym is open (Monday)
Hi Seven,
Here is how I started out my week.
20 minutes on the I know that doesn't sound like much, but, it is for me. That eliptical has really been a challenge:
Then upper body workout.
SB Reverse Crunch 3 x 15
Stability Ball Weighted Oblique Crunch 3 x 10 each
Stability Ball DB Chest Press 3 x 8
Stability Ball DB Pull Over 3 x 8
SB DB Fly 2 x 10
Lat Pull Down Wide Grip 2 x 10
Cable Biceps Curls 2 x 10
V Grip Cable Triceps Extension 2 x 10
I had the most intense workout I think I've ever done in my life! I did 30 minutes cardio on the elliptical, than 1 hour of upper/lower body weights, then I did 25 minutes hills (Kilamanjaro) at level 5 on the elliptical then 5 minutes cool down going backwards on the elliptical. 2 FULL HOURS! Last week I increased the weight increment by 5 lbs and did 30 reps, last night I increased it to 45 reps.
Killer workout and I feel every muscle but I'm extremely pleased with myself today. Today (Tuesday) will be my fat burning on the elliptical and probably only do 30-45 minutes.