New info for us
Hi everyone. I found a little information on the NY board that sounded good so I thought I would pass it on.
There has been talk this week of a new book just released called "Emotional First + Aid Kit: A Practical Guide to Life After Bariatric Surgery" by Dr. Cynthia Alexander, PsyD - a psychologist with the Cleveland Clinic in Weston, Florida.
"The Emotional First Aid Kit is written specifically for weight loss surgery candidates and patients to teach them the psychological tricks of the trade that will help make their weight loss surgery journeys successfull," said Dr. Alexander. "The book's valuable advice isn't limited to surgical patients, however, It gives anyone struggling with weight loss the tools to move beyond their roadblocks and adopt new lifestyle changes".
Readers can also utilize downloadable patient worksheets that are available through the book and can learn realistic and practical strategies for dealing with emotional difficulties encountered before and after weight loss surgery - strategies that help individuals:
. Relieve stress without using food
. Modify unhealthy behavior
. Overcome hurdles in establishing a consistent exercise program
. Deal with negative reactions by friends, family and spouse to weight loss
. Prevent relapse...and more
The Emotional First Aid + Kit is available for purchase at (I went to Barnes and Nobles last night but they don't carry it and said it's only available through the bariatrictimes website).
A few of the post-opers on the NY board have either read or are in the process of reading this book and they say it's good. I ordered it this morning but am not sure how long it will be before it's delivered.
Hope this info might help someone.
Take care.
I'm really scared that I'll revert back to my old eating ways so decided to buy the book and give it a try. I try to print out any articles I find on the internet because I can't seem to concentrate on what I'm reading while staring at a computer screen. 99% of my day at work is on a computer so by the time I get home, my eyes tell me it's no computer time for me.
Let me know if you decide to buy the book and what you think of it.
Have a great day.