Joined 24-hour Fitness
Subject line says it all.
This is, in part, as a result of Lori R. bugging me to get in some strength training. Thanks, Lori!! (Lori's a workout animal )
I'm a big (so to speak) lap swimmer, and have put in many, many miles to help me get this weight off. I love it, but it can get a bit tedious (at times). So, for some variety, I've joined 24-Hour Fitness. I had a freebie 30-day pass, and was pretty happy with it after a couple of weeks. No cologne-soaked, high school swim teams to compete with for lap lanes!! It doesn't seem like a meat market, there are plenty of older, fatter people there. Plus, they are actually less expensive than my county pool when I figure in all the classes.
I went to a Sunday AM yoga class (am *still* sore), and was able to keep up (surprise) -- with only a few moments of sewing-maching legs (major trembling). I plan on going to an aquacise class tonight. I met with a personal trainer (24-HF is big on selling stuff like that), whom I quite liked. I start with her in a few weeks.
Tomorrow morning I'm going to BRAVE the spinning class. Do I dare? Has anyone here done spinning? Will I die? It's kind of scary.
Eileen - I'm EXHAUSTED just reading your post!!!! lol
Wow, you are doing wonderful in the exercise department!!! I don't even know what "spinning class" is.
I'm eagerly awaiting my hernia repair so I can get together with a trainer and really get to work on toning this flabby body up!!!!
Woohoo Eileen!
So happy I could have a positive influence on you! You sure have had one on me! I walk around proudly in the XL Columbia ski jacket you gave me. I wear it every day now! Thanks!
I've never tried "spinning", but, I'm a very big believer in varying your workout to keep it interesting. That is why I work with a trainer. He is meeting with me again on Saturday, I don't know what he has cooked up for me this time. It is scary, but, I know I would never push myself this much without him.
My routine is this:
Mon & Wed: 30 minutes treadmill at 4mph for cardio
Lower body work out with dumbbells and machines at gym.
Tues & Fri: 20 minutes treadmill, 10-15 minutes recumbant bike
Upper body workout with dumbbells and machines at gym.
Thurs: "circuit" jazzercise class...we do it with light dumbbells and resistance is a killer!
Sat: Water aerobics.
Anyway, I feel great and that is the main thing. I've lost another 3 lbs, so I'm 1 lb away from the 130 total lost mark...5 lbs away from my next mini goal of it is working.
BTW, I spoke to my surgeon and my surgery was a proximal RNY, not a distal like I told you. I don't know where I got that idea. She said she bypassed 100 cm of small intestine, which is what she does for patients with a starting BMI of over 50. Mine was 57. It is now 38!
Woohoo! Keep on exercising girlfriend, you won't regret it!
Congrats on the pounds lost. I know how it feels when every pound lost seems like a celebration. I've been stuck for a few days, and am going to try your weigh-once-a-week approach. I've already reached my personal 9-month goal, and my anniversary is on Thursday (I can hardly believe it!) I am beginning to think I'm on the home stretch -- I have 13 pounds to be 'normal'. Who'd a thunk it? (thanks Greg Brown). I still want to lose 34 more, but that may be unreasonable.
I think I'm going to enjoy the exercise variety. This week I've snow skied, done yoga, walked, and swam. The recumbant bike seems like a good thing to add because I can read while I do it. I'm holding off on the weights for now because my back has flared up a bit. I need the Posture Fairy to give me the gift of good posture.
I'm glad you are enjoying the jacket.