Is anybody working out today? I am supposed to do a make up walk, but I haven't yet. We've been having plumbing problems today. It appears to all be fixed now. Thank goodness! See y'all tomorrow!
Didn't get to work out today but did workout yesterday and took a walk around my block twice. Then I went to work and worked till 3:00 a.m.....whewwwwww...I tired!
I was bad/lazy. I didn't get any exercising in this weekend. I did get to water aerobics this morning but the water was super cold so I only worked out for 30 min. I will do more this evening I have to teach.
I took Sunday off. I do my radio show that day from 10 am to 2 pm and the gym is only open during those same hours...1 day off a week isn't bad though, right?
So good to see your picture!