Wow and not so wow moments
Hi May family,
I'm sorry I've been MIA but I have two very good reasons.
1. My family will be relocating to the Texas Hill Country...hubby has taken a job opportunity. He's moving in a few weeks and the rest of us are staying put until school ends in May (being a Kinder. teacher and my daughter being a K student two, leaving in the middle of the year is too difficult).
2. I sprained my ankle and tore a tendon trying to prevent my daughter from falling at a rollerskating birthday party. I looked pretty darn good skating out there too!
I do have a big WOW moment to report. When we pulled to the ER they were out of wheel chairs. The EMT said, "Oh I can just carry you." He carried me inside and didn't even break a sweat. The whole time I'm thinking, "I'm going to break this guy's back." When I checked in the nurse asks my history and when I told her about the rny she couldn't believe me and the fact that my skin looked really good. I guess that's another wow moment for me.
My ankle is getting better and is the prettiest shade of purple if I might say so. When the doc found out I've lost almost 90 pounds he said I surely would have broken my ankle!
Another not so wow moment...I weighed myself and I've gained 4 pounds since the ankle incident...I'm guessing it's the not exercising and drugs...what a bummer!!!
You'll be seeing less of me in the months to come as I'll be a "single-mom" until June-ish...but I'll be thinking of you all and keeping you in my prayers.
I've missed seeing you here. Glad to hear you're okay, but sorry you took a fall. You're an awfully good Mom though to prevent your daughter from falling! And you go girl, having the EMT "carry" you into the ER! I'm sorry you had to be there, but that's a BIG wow!
Good luck with your move and hope your ankle gets well very very soon!