Gym is open (Thursday)
It IS good to be feeling better. My 2.5 miles today wore me out, but it's good. My cough is gone with medication. I have allergy meds now and an inhaler - they help me TONS!!! My hernia, which is now almost as big as a cantelope will be fixed as soon as I find a new surgeon to do it. I have a consult with one on the 8th of Feb. I've heard TONS of good stuff about him and hope to get a surgery date when I see him.
My neck/back/foot - hmmm, well the disk in the neck they are just going to "watch" if more problems develop then they'll have to discuss surgery, but for now they're saying it's fine.
because I'm getting so much of my leg and foot back to normal - we're thinking that the neuropathy WAS beri beri from vitamin deficiency. Now that my levels are coming up, things are getting better.
Hopefully - I'm on the way to "normal" again!!
Seven, I did 35min on the elliptical(again sp?) and 15min on the bike (level 7) I did 120 sit ups on the bench and 30 on each side. I worked my BIG BERTHA BUTT off today. I am soo tired. I have been doing real well on my eating and exercise. I have been jotting everything down in fitday. I am proud of myself these last 2 weeks. I have my whole family working out and eating pretty healthy. Praise God.