Gym is open (Wednesday)
Did you work out today? take a walk? go to the gym?
I took a little stroll . . . a 6 mile stroll! My entire body is screaming for mercy. I am going to do my strength training in a little while. I will work my hams and glutes.
Lying Leg Curls
Floor Hip Extensions
Floor Hip Abductions
So come on, share with me. What did you do today to work your muscles?
Naw, its not in me.
Actually I'm beginning to wonder if running is a good thing or not. Having leg pain today. Tingles in my foot. This is signs of my lower back. Had surgery last March. It bothered me over the weekend after dancing Saturday night. Too much twisting I fear. I don't do the lower body machines at the gym for this very reason. I may have to tone things down and resort to fast walking. We'll see. I'm not going to be happy about that because I really, really enjoy running.
Tomorrow is an upper body day anyway.
I'll play things by ear.