Little Known Facts About Our Fellow Maysters
No, that one is true.
I was on an island (a real 'deserted island') in the Coral Sea off the NE coast of Australia. A friend was fishing, I was taking pictures. She accidentally caught a black-tipped reef shark. I wrestled the shark while she got the hook out of its mouth. He was incredibly beautiful (the color of sand), and incredibly strong. He got half my hand in his mouth just as the hook came out. His bite didn't break the skin (their teeth point backward), but seeing my hand in a shark's mouth gave me the *most* incredible surge of adrenalin I've ever felt.
I have pictures. I should scan them and put them up on picturetrail.
1. When other kids had cats and dogs, I had guinea pigs - 17 of them at once and they all had Russian names.
2. As a teen, my boyfriend and I used to visit the local funeral home at least once per week to attend viewings and sign the guest books. We didn't actually know any of the deceased, but it was something we took very seriously nonetheless.
3. Before giving up bread, I had a serious canned biscuit phobia. I could not open the can or even be in the same room while the can was being opened for fear of the impending "explosion."
4. I have witnessed a baby being born and I have witnessed an elderly person die (not at the same time).
5. I graduated college with a perfect 4.0 grade point average.
1. As a teenager I was very involved in drugs and spent time in a jail in Juarez, Mexico.
2. I've had sex in quite a few public places.
3. I love math, numbers and am very lucky to have a job in this field.
4. I come from a family of six and half of my family has passed on already.
5. I used to work calling bingo numbers.