I Am Soooo Lucky
Yesterday, while driving my kids to school, I was broadsided by a truck that ran a stop sign. I was knocked unconscious and still don't remember anything about the accident. I was taken to Regions for a CT scan and an x-ray of my shoulder. My shoulder is fine and I had a concussion, but went home by noon. My kids, thank God, were only shaken and sore, but not hurt.
Of course I was driving my husband's 2005 Corolla and not my 1997 van. The truck that hit me was a full-sized Dodge Ram. Needless to say, when we went to look at the car today, we are lucky it wasn't worse.
Several of my kids' teachers drive that way to work and stopped to help. They got the kids to school until my sister could pick them up. Mark was up north at the 3M resort for a reward trip and had to catch a ride home. My mom stayed with me in the ER.
I am still feeling pain in my neck and shoulder blade today, have a bruise on my forehead and am bruised on my tongue and inside my cheek, but, like I said, it could have been worse. It was totally the other driver's fault and he was ticketed for running a stop sign. In a cruel twist, it was his 41st birthday yesterday. I still don't remember much about what happened, the immediate aftermath or the ride to the hospital. I have little flashes here and there and maybe it will come back.
I remember thinking I was thankful I am 100 pounds less than I was last year. It would have made extraction from the car and life for the EMTs much more difficult and I would have been so embarassed. Another WLS bonus - in emergencies, you are able to be treated with normal measures.
Anyway ... time to go soak these sore muscles.
Rejoicing 2B free
on 1/11/06 2:00 pm - southern states
on 1/11/06 2:00 pm - southern states
Hi Jenny, Sorry about your accident. Glad you are fairly OK. It is the 2nd and 3rd day where the real aches start to show up. Hope you can get the best treatment to ease the stiffness and aches. Be brave but if ya need help do allow yourself to get it.
Just tonight when I came online I was thanking God for my daughter's safety. She was on the Capitol Beltway tonight and there was a huge accident involving 3 tractor trailer trucks. About 30 cars decided to drive the shoulder of the road to bypass the gridlock. Well they caused the emergency workers/help to not be able to get thru. Everything was shut down tight for about 3 hours. She said the whole beltway was dark cuz everyone shut off their cars cuz nobody was going anywhere. A man walked up and back to inform the drivers what was going on. He told her there were several bodies laying in the road... I sat down and felt more than grateful for my daughters safe return...and duly warned to NEVER ride the shoulder of the road in an accident because it could cost someone their life if the emergency help cannot get thru.
So happy you and your kids are ok.
PS one of my friends had a similar accident to yours in November. We prayed together for her and prayed for the healing of the trauma of the accident. Sure enough at about 5 days out she went thru alot of flashbacks and tramatizing fear and the onslaught of the "what if's ". We also pray for you and your family for the healing and easing of the trauma of the accident you suffered.