Sister update

Kathy & Rich
on 1/6/06 7:26 am - Fairfax, VA
Thanks everyone for their support and prayers, we do appreciate it! Talked to my sister today...the report was that the biopsy shows that she has both ductal and lobular carcinoma. Don't know if that means when the carcinoma gets outside of the ducts it is now lobular or it is two distinct things. Hers is not "in situ" meaning that it won't/hasn't spread. Hers is considered invasive. She does not know if it is the kind that feeds off estrogen. She is already post-menopausal and was never on hormone replacement therapy. The radiologist was floored and never expected the biopsy to come back positive. We have no family history of breast cancer - but as my sister pointed out...I doubt my mother ever had a pap smear let alone a mammogram so who knows what lurked there. The radiologist also was very sorry that they hadn't biopsied a similar looking place in her other breast so it looks like chances are that she has cancer in both breasts. I was reading last night and one of the cancers - don't remember if it was the ductal or the lobular but one of them is highly likely to be in both rather than just one. Don't know how far it has spread or if it is just in breast tissue. Don't know if there is lymph node involvement or not. She goes to see the surgeon on Monday afternoon, I believe. Not sure when she'll see an oncologist - if that is pre-surgery or immediately post surgery. My sister was in good spirits considering. I was commenting that she could get a tummy tuck out of this if reconstructive surgery was required and she laughed but also said "Or I could get implants..." with a snicker. I told her - "Your choice!" She reminded me to make sure that all my doctors know that we now have a family history especially since I've had calcifications on my mammogram (though nothing of note is being "watched" I just go for my yearly mammogram). She said I have two things to my advantage that she doesn't. I asked what. She said: "1. You don't smoke, 2. You don't live on Long Island". She said there are clusters of folks with cancer around the LI area. Wow, didn't know that. She is quitting smoking this weekend. She has been smoking since age 18. Hopefully her husband will follow suit. (Neither smoked in the house though.) That's the latest. Kathy
on 1/6/06 7:31 am - somerville, NJ
Kathy, thanks for the update...I can imagine that your sister is probably completely overwhelmed. Continued prayers for you and your family. Continue to keep us posted. Stay strong for your sister.
Kathy & Rich
on 1/6/06 7:42 am - Fairfax, VA
Thanks, Aliya! I'll definitely stay strong. Good thing I'll probably be making more trips up your way to see her... Kathy
on 1/6/06 7:58 am - somerville, NJ
Yeah, its interesting that people in her area have been affected by cancer as well.
Kathy & Rich
on 1/6/06 10:13 pm - Fairfax, VA
There is much research on the web about it. Just search on Breast Cancer Long Island and sites have info about the studies performed and environmental issues. Don't think they came up with any grand conclusions but that statistics for certain areas are staggering though I thought they used the word "modest" which I found in appropriate. They even have maps that show the "clusters" by zip code for not only breast cancer but also colon cancer and I forget what else. I'm sure that industrial areas would have higher incidents as would places near big cities where there is more pollution, etc. Too many factors in my opinion to come up with the definitive answer. Hey, I live fairly close to DC. It is not like pollution isn't high here too. Plus I grew up in NY too for my first 25 years. In the grand scheme of things better to get breast cancer now then 20 years ago. The strides in treatment are astounding. I know several long-term survivors. I sit with one at work who is now at her 5 year point. Heck, her mother who is 86 had breast cancer 35 years ago. Rich's mom had breast cancer 11 years ago. I have full confidence that my sister will make it through this! Thanks, hon! Kathy
Heather L.
on 1/10/06 12:12 am - Marion, VA
Man Kathy, my prayers are certainly with your sister and your entire family. I have a friend who might as well be my sister struggling with some cervical cancer right now and I know how tough it has been. Anytime you hear the 'C' word, your heart just stops. Please keep us updated and let us know if we can do anything for you guys! Heather 267/170/155
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