Amazing Bagel!
I found a great one if you're itching for bread. Natural Ovens Golden Crunch Bagel. 8g of fiber and 15g of PROTEIN. The fat and calories are kind of high (190 calories and 11g fat), but if you have a bread jones, you might as well have somthing that can do you some good. Lots if seeds and melts in your mouth. Half is plenty. Ingredients are: Filtered Water, Whole White Wheat Flour, Vital Wheat, White Wheat Bran, Sunflower Seeds, Millet Seeds, Oats, Ground Flaxseed, Wheat Fiber, Soy Flour, Crystalline Corn Fructose, Sunflower Oil, Yeast, Salt, Soy Protein, Dried Vinegar, Cornmeal
Give it a try. Natural Ovens is everywhere (at least here in the Midwest). Their website is Their other products are equally yummy and good for you.
As an aside, the company was featured in the film "Supersize Me" (a must see) for their wonderful, healthy school lunch program based on whole, processed food. Hmmmm, what a concept.
Have a great Friday!