Gym is open . . .
OK, I did my lower body workout today. My son's girlfriend did one with me.
Ball Abductions
Sitting Crunches
Calf Raises
Side Bends
Hip Abductions
Wrist Curls
Reverse Wrist Curls
I didn't walk last night, but I walked 2 miles tonight. The weather is perfect, 68 degrees!
What did you do today?
I did this today, January 6. I walked for 25 minutes on the track (all the treadmills were full), it measured 1.5 miles. Then I did lower body work for the next 30 minutes:
Reverse Crunch w/Squat Shuffle
Supine SB Oblique Crunch
Multi Planar Step Ups
Seated SB Shoulder Press w/Fly
Machine Leg Press
Machine Calf Raises
Machine Leg Curls
Lateral Raise w/Machine Rear Delt
Keep on a truckin!