Body Art Survey
1. My first piercing was both ears by my wonderful mom but I was a baby and I don't remember it at all. I had the second holes put in both of my ears in high school because it was popular but I haven't worn anything in them since high school.
2. I got my one and only tattoo when I graduated from THE University of Texas in '98. It's a burnt orange longhorn on the inside of my right ankle.
I'd really like to give myself another but I really don't know what or where?? Hubby has zero...scared of needle thingies. Hmm, maybe I'll get one that says "Mayster 2005" or something in Chinese that says, "I used to be fat."

In English:
I used to be fat
In Simplified Chinese:
Î?ý?³£Ê?ÊÅ?Ä (Drat the characters got converted...)
It was lovely thought...
Revision on 10/29/12
I have 5 piercings in my left ear including 1 on the upper cartilage and one on the middle part, 3 piercings in the right ear. When I was a senior in high school I had my eyebrow pierced for like 2 months still don't know why I did that.
I have 2 tatoos. I got the first one when I was 19 in 1999, It is on my left shoulder and It is a rose with a small butterfly landed on it. Then, in 2000 I got another on my lower back. It is a an intricate flower/leaves very pretty EXCEPT
it is crooked and the guy didn't put in the colors I wanted. My friends told me it was straight when they put the guide on my back I really couldn't tell by looking over my shoulder until it was done and you can definitely tell becaue it is kinda triange shaped with the bottom pointing to my butt crack and the leavse on the sides are not straight across from one another. Someone told me it can be balanced off but I don;t think I want to take a chance of messing it up even more.

You nut!
I have a two inch scar on my wrist from opening a window the wrong way as a kid but I think other list was complete.
But I have more surgery to come! Gonna get me a nice 3" scar (or so I believe) on my neck. Lovely, just lovely!
You bet, that's enough...that's plenty! No more, you hear!

I've had trouble with my calcium and PTH (parathyroid hormone) for a couple of years. Prior endos didn't want to do anything but monitor it. Usual reason for elevated levels of both is an adenoma (tumor) on one or more of the four parathyroid glands. Obviously WLS where I may not have enough calcium complicates that. The tumors are usually minute. Wasn't big enough to see two years ago. And I had a nuclear test and nothing could be seen. Anyway new endo saw it right away. I've had enough bone loss in the two years to be considered osteopenic. Oh joy and I'm spilling calcium in my urine which makes me more prone to kidney stones. I have a "second opinion" ultrasound on the 20th with a specific ultrasound doctor for confirmation. If it is confirmed I'll get sent to a surgeon.
Also, I have nodules on my thyroid which isn't unusual. My sister has them too not sure what her doctor is doing. My endo is going to biopsy the big one (.8 cm) this way if I'm having surgery and the biopsy cannot confirm that it is something or nothing (ambiguous) they'll probably take it out at the same time they remove my one parathyroid gland. One incision surgery.