Body Art Survey

on 12/30/05 1:11 am - Oak Harbor, WA
I only have my ears pierced, but at one point I had 4 holes in my left ear and 3 in my right with one more way up top. But, alas, over the years they've all closed up with the exception of the one hole in my lobes. I have 4 tattoos. My 1st one was on my outer right ankle and it's the first measure of Beethoven's Fur Elise with a large treble clef in the middle of it with a rose in it. It looks like it's on parchment paper. Beethoven's Fur Elise is the first song I won a big piano competition with. The 2nd one is on the inside of my left ankle and it's the Kanji (Japanese writing) for "Bear" which is my nick-name for my husband. My 3rd one is on my back (about shoulder blade to shoulder blade down to a point almost like a triangle just below my shoulder blades on my spine) and it's basically a tribal design with my astrological sign in the middle of it (Aquarius). The last one I just got about 2 months ago and it's inside my right wrist. It's the Greek Alpha and Omega letters kind of intertwined with the Greek word for "Strength" super-imposed over the AO. This is because God (the Alpha and Omega) gives me the strength to keep doing what I'm doing as far as this WLS business goes. Michelle 340/225/???
on 12/30/05 1:23 am - Macon, GA
... only you Kate! You are definately one of the funniest people I have the pleasure of knowing (you and Kathy, crack me up!) I've had both ears done but let them close years ago. Can't do cheap metal and couldn't afford better then. Now I can afford better and chicken to get them repierced. So, I 'settle' for rings and bracelets (my newest guilty pleasure since I have pretty little wrists now!). No tatoos. I always said I wanted a child's block with A, B, C on it because my kids are Allie, Brandy and Chris My exhubby had 'em though, including one of my name, the stupid jerk! Now the new wife gets to stare at my name when they... you know... sweet revenge oh well, Happy New Year Sweetie! Barb
Kathy & Rich
on 12/30/05 2:00 am - Fairfax, VA
Why thank you! Then I'm doing my job here...
on 12/30/05 1:37 am - Arlington, TX
I have double piercings in both ears- been that way since the 70's. I wear diamond studs in the 2nd holes and whatever in the first ones. I do not have any tattoos, but will be getting one on my lower back very very soon! And I am soooo excited about it. I have been to the 'tatoo man' and talked it over with him - I'm just gathering the money now. Estimated cost is $270. Caren
on 12/30/05 1:37 am - NJ
Hey Kate!! I have both my ears pierced with 3 holes each in the lobes. I had my cartiledge pierced, but had to take it out for surgery. I ended up just letting it close. I might get it re-done sometime in the near future, but we'll see! I also had my tounge pierced, but let that close as well after my mother saw it and freaked out...It was a big fight, so rather than have her po'd at me, I let it close...Might get that re-done too..I liked having it As for tattoos, I have 2. The first photo is of that tat on my right shoulder, my first tat! I love it!! The second (the purple rose) is on my lower back (I don't like this one, but when I get my abdominoplasty it'll be gone and I can get a new prettier one!!) [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Becky
Becky Sue
on 12/30/05 1:55 am - Fort Wayne, IN
Heh heh heh... 1. Ears: 3 in each with an additional cartilage piercing in my left side - a small captive ring, the others are just diamond studs 2. Nose - I got this piercing when I was 13 or 14, I think. I rarely wear it, maybe once every few months, but it's never closed up. 3. Nipples... 4. USED to have tongue - took that out several years ago, will probably never do that again, too difficult to hide and not appropriate for my line of work. Also had a "below the belt" piercing that I took out when I had an MRI done (for obvious reasons) and never got back in before it closed. Will probably re-do this one in another year or so. 5. Tattoos - 1 on my back on the left, over my shoulder blade - sort of an abstract Aztec sun, about the size of softball. One on my left upper arm - it's kind of hard to describe, it's an eye with a crescent moon in the iris, flames for the top lashes and water for the bottom lashes. It's a little bigger than the one on my back. This one will need some work someday - it's sliding under my arm as the skin sags. If I ever get my arms done, I'll probably afterwards have some work done to balance the tat out now that it's placed somewhat lopsided. I'm going to get another tattoo eventually, when I'm all done with my weight loss, determine whether I need PS or will get it, etc. It will be a fairly big piece on my back, maybe about 10 inches or so, just under my shoulder blades. Haven't started working on a design for that on yet...
on 12/30/05 2:26 am - PA
oooooooooooooo I want m nipples done too... was that any more painful than the others...?? Not that that will stop me... Karen
Becky Sue
on 12/30/05 4:31 am - Fort Wayne, IN
The piercing itself isn't bad. They're pretty sore for a couple of days, by the end of the first week, they were fine other than when I was cleaning them. By the end of week 2, that didn't even bother me anymore.
Kate Z
on 12/30/05 5:09 am - MA
Holy Crap Becky Sue.... Love you, but if I'm ever with you during a thunder storm... you're on your own honey..... Kate Z P.S. Do you rust after you swim?
Kathy & Rich
on 12/30/05 8:33 am - Fairfax, VA
"Below the belt".... owieeeeeeeeeeee.... I'm crossing my legs pretty darned tight just thinking about that... Kathy
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