Body Art Survey

Kate Z
on 12/29/05 10:15 pm - MA
Ok... put this one down to the fact that it's 9am eastern and I'm still working on my first coffee. Body Art 1. Do you have any piercings? (including ears) describe 2. Do you have any tatoos? (details and why) I'll go first, 1. I have both ears pierced and my right ear has a second piercing. (I did this in the early 70's to make a space for my collection of single earings). Then it became a fad to do multiple piercings in the 80's so I wasn't unique. I had the cartlidge at the top of my right ear done about 10 years ago, but it was literally a PAIN, because I spend so much time on the phone. I let it close. 2. A lot of my friends have tatoos, but my husband associates this with "biker chicks" (no offense intended), so I never pushed the issue. Kinda glad I haven't done it with all the skin issues as I reduce. If I had gotten a Brad Pitt tatoo a few years ago, it would look like Woody Allen now.... I'm really interested in knowing what Body Art the Mayers are sporting. Kate Z
Full of Life
on 12/29/05 10:22 pm - Broken Arrow, OK
No body art here (unless you count the lines, hills and valleys of my stomach skin) LOL I've got each ear pierced once. Just a boring conservative girl here. Laurie
on 12/29/05 10:41 pm - PA
Double ears pierced both sides... Had the belly button done when I was thinner a few years ago but with wt gain, I couldnt get it to heal so I removed it... I do want to do it again... I have 2 tattoos.. One on each shoulder. 1st Right shoulder is a frog... hes blue/green and just beautiful!! Left should is a gothic like drawing (done by now hubby) with my then initials and daughters initials mine then were kme and hers were mke... so its both. I want another in the lower back with Kokopelli and my youngest dd first name or initials being played out of his pipe (if anyone can draw a good kokopelli PLEASE email me... ) I cant find one online that I like... Then will have some tribal design on either side.... thats it for me Karen
Sue N
on 12/29/05 10:47 pm - IL
1. Double pierced ears 2. 6 tattoos Where? one on each shoulder, one on each side in the front, one on my left thigh and one below it on the side of the left calf What? Shoulders-roses with some tribal art, in front I have a dove on the right one and my hubby's name and mine on the left. Thigh is a tiger and lower leg is a black leopard/snake combo Why? I got my first one when I turned 29 and they are addicting. Haven't gotten one for years now. Luckily they all still look great because I got them before I got to my highest weight, so they all went right back to size.
on 12/30/05 1:13 am - Oak Harbor, WA
They are addicting!! I got my first one at 28 (my brother's bday present to me) and I'm now 36 with 4. I am planning on at least one more when I get to my goal weight, a Phoenix on my right foot.
on 12/29/05 10:51 pm - Eagan, MN
Kate, For now, just each earlobe is pierced. I did have a second piercing in my left ear that has closed (did it myself at about age 15). I had never seriously considered a tat before, but am now. My husband has four he has gotten in the last 2 years. They are all of Wolverine (the comic book version). He has a tattoo guy he just loves and who does amazing work. When I do get one, it will small and discreet and placed for my (and the hubby's) enjoyment. Thinking of some goddess or Celtic theme. Happy New Year to you! J
on 12/29/05 10:58 pm - small town, KY
Call me Plain Jane!!!! Just have my ear's pierced. If I didn't have so many stretch marks on my stomach, I would LOVE to get my belly pierced. (maybe you should call me CHICKEN Shawna
Kathy & Rich
on 12/30/05 12:41 am - Fairfax, VA
No open piercings. Have always had trouble with ear lobes...lots of scar tissue. Goes back to initial piercings at age 18 - lobes were thick (aka fat) anyway...always problematic. So I'm not sure they are repiercable without getting the scar tissue removed. Someone who has post-op plastics had her ear lobes fixed by plastic surgeon for a couple of hundred buck - had to go without earrings for a year and then could repierce. Might look into that. I had upper second holes on my ear lobes but those have closed over as well. No tats at the moment but subject to change. When I reach goal, I'm getting one. Not sure what. Rich has two tats. On the one forearm is barbed wire around the arm with a peace sign embedded in it. On the other forearm (new - he got it when he reached goal) he has tribal design around the arm with an Ankh embedded in it which is the sign of life. How fitting. As for tats...I want to get two overlapping dream catchers - one to represent my dreams, one Rich's dreams and the overlapping parts to be our dreams. I want him to get the same one. I'm eyeing a shoulder for that. The one gal at the tat parlour near us was in high school with Rich. Excellent artist. Went into graphic arts but hated the computer side of it so went into tats. She did his second tat. Liked to get her to design the one for us. Kathy
future former fat chick
on 12/30/05 12:49 am - Baltimore, MD
I have seven ear piercings - five in the left including the cartiledge (sp?) and two in the right. No tats but never say never. After plastics, who knows what I'll go crazy and do?
Kathy & Rich
on 12/30/05 1:58 am - Fairfax, VA
You wild thang!
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