New Endo Report!
Yippee! A good endocrinologist!
He says that the nuclear test doesn't always show the adenomas so my worrying about another cause for my hyperparathryoidism was for naught. Then he ultrasounds my neck and low and behold...a growth! He is sending me for a second opinion with a specific ultrasound doctor for confirmation before heading to a surgeon for removal. He also found nodules on my thyroid - not unusual and especially not unusual given my family history - mom had a thyroid that quit working, sis has nodules that the doctor is deciding what to do. So after my ultrasound, the endo will biospy the large thyroid nodule. Since I'll have to have surgery for the parathyroid - it is good to know if the thyroid needs to be addressed - it could be done together with one incision. He is also checking me for Hashimoto syndrome (failing thyroid) giving the look of my thyroid and my family history.
TSH, etc should be part of your routine post-op labs anyway so that is a good way to keep that carefully monitored. The new endo was definitely interested in family history... my mother shared so much with me besides my looks... cataracts, diabetes, HBP, possibly thyroid... thanks mom! LOL! Hopefully heart disease and strokes has been staved off.
This all means another surgery in my future but this is one that I've expected for a few years. Scarily, I'm getting good at surgeries. DOH!